Broken Or Not So

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AN/VERY IMPORTANT DISCLAMER: As I said this story was originally on, so all chapters up to chapter 13 are pre-written. After that updates will have a nom-scheduled arrival that can vary from mere hours to months.
Also if you haven't read my story In Black and White yet, go read it! It's another SQ I have and it is too my little baby.

Chapter 7: Broken or not so

What was she supposed to do now? She was in a way completely broken and she didn't know why or how. Regina Mills was the prettiest girl on school, she knew that, and she had never in her life been affected by the fact that she had rejected more boys than anyone in the world. It wasn't because she was a bad person, she did feel bad for them of course, but she had never had any interest in any of them so it didn't really matter, this time it had been different.

Not only it had been the first time a kiss had been stolen from her, but it was also the first time a girl had shown a love interest in her. Regina knew Emma was gay, of course she did, but it had never occurred to her that she could be in any way attracted to her. She had just kind of randomly accepted that Emma had no interest in anyone and so it was even a bigger shock when she woke up to the blonde's lips on hers. Then Emma's reaction had shocked her even more; one would have thought that after having the courage of stealing a kiss completely sober, well, it would take less courage to talk and explain. But maybe it wasn't like that, easier said than done.

And so Regina had been standing in the middle of the park for about 10 minutes completely still and completely confused. If she called Emma's phone she wouldn't answer, going to Emma's house would be rude, Emma would most likely avoid her in school. She sighed and got her phone out, she clicked her mother's number and placed the cold device to her hot cheek. She heard two beeps until her mother's voice came through the line. "Cora Mills, what can I help you with?"

"Mo..." Regina's voice came weak and raspy, she cleared her throat. "Mother, it's me, Regina"

"Oh Regina, dear, did you finish your workshop early?" Cora asked.

"Yes, some minutes" she answered with her heart completely tight, she had no idea what the time was. "Mother, Rose asked me for help with a History assignment so I might get home a bit late, don't expect me for dinner please"

"You're not coming home early with who's permission?"

"Mother, please, it's a very important assignment" Regina begged.

"Why can't she do it on her own?"

"Because we were supposed to be teams but I was spared of the work because of Debate Club and I don't think it's fair so I will help her finish it" she said, adding a lie to the lie.

"All right" Cora said. "But if you get home even a second after 9:30 you can consider your Friday dinners cancelled for the rest of my life"

"Thank you" Regina said relieved and hung up.

She finally decided to move so she grabbed her bags from the grass and gave a step front, then another, until she found herself walking normally again. While she walked she felt something weird, like a part of her wasn't there, she realized her lips felt poisonous and she remembered that a part of Emma was still on them, on her. Silent streaks of tears began rolling down her cheeks while she brought up with care her fingers to her mouth and then angrily wiped it off with the back of her hand, and then again and again. She didn't want anything of Emma on her, it was a heavy weight to carry. The part of her, of Regina, that was missing, was her happiness, it had been stolen from her with the ease of a kiss.

She walked slowly but at a constant pace and so like that she got to Rose's door. She loved Rose's house, it was white and clean and it always seemed to have happiness inside it, it warmed her heart a bit in that moment. She took a deep breath to steady up a bit and with all the courage she could get she knocked on the door. In a matter of seconds she heard footsteps from inside and she then saw the door open to reveal her tiny blonde friend. Rose first smiled at her, but then her smile faded completely to turn into a preoccupied face when she saw Regina's eyes. "Regina... what is it? Are you all right?" she asked.

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