Back at Konoha

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Toward the future was too worried about sarada not returning for a week and seemed help from shikamaru.

Although shikamaru had explained already she wouldn't be able to go back in time. First off she didn't want to be in danger and she also didn't want to alter the future even more.

"So all we can do is just wait and not tell Naruto because he would just want to go back too, hehe"

I miss the good old days sakura when we didn't have a single thing to worry about you know?

We didn't have kids or even had to make food or something.......we were just kids having fun.

I remember Naruto in the academy and I'm quite proud of him to finally become the hokage. I was one of the very few people who didn't look down on him or insulted him. I feel very proud of him .

"How about you sakura?"

"Sakura stop crying", no it's OK I'm fine shikamaru it's just that I also miss those days back then ....... I wish I would've spent my young life better. You know like with my team, my comrades, my friends........ Naruto.

"Stop crying sakura", sorry it's just that I was one of those people who looked down on Naruto..... I insulted him in every way possible... I really wish I hadn't he's just so awesome to have finally become hokage.

I......just ......wish ...I could've been NICER....

I'm ...... Sorry ..........I...... Couldn't have been a better friend......n-n-naruto.....

Sarada Uchiha : Back In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now