Once I tell my mom how my day went and finish talking on the phone with my dad and Tino, I change into my night clothes, twist my hair, and pick out and outfit for tomorrow. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light..

The next day....

We are now on our way to Mc Donald's for a pit stop. I am soo hungry. Our church is literally in the deep, deep south so it takes us for ever to get back home. I miss Grayson so freakin much..

As soon as we get to Micky D's, I quickly get out of the car and head in there. As in waiting in line to order my phone starts ringing... I look at the name and it saids..GRAYSON!!

I immediately pick it up and say,"Hey Gray!" He laughs a little, at my excitement then saids,"Hey princess. Are you at home yet? I miss you.." I say,"Sadly I'm not," I start pouting a little,"But I miss you too da- *clears throat really hard* I-I mean baby." He burst out laughing making me even more embarrassed so I say,"I'm about to hand up." He immediately stops laughing and say," NOO! Don't hang up! Haha but we will talk about that later baby girl. Trust an believe that," I sigh,"But anyways what are you doing right now?" I say,"Waiting in line at Mc Donald's. Hold on real quick." The guy at the cash register smiles at me, waiting for me to order. I say,"Can I have 1 kids meal cheeseburger, for a boy, with a Sprite. Annd 4 Mc doubles, with 2 large fries. Annd..2 ice lemonades large. Oh and add 1 small vanilla ice cream in a cup please." He smiles and saids,"Haha Okayy mam your total is $21.46." I grab my wallet and pay him. Gee that was a lot. I step to the side and wait for my order. "So yeah I'm at McDonalds." He saids,"Haha okay. What all did you get?" I say,"Food." I don't want too tell him what I ordered. He saids,"Specifically." I say,"Food that you eat." I could tell he was getting annoyed with me. I start laughing an say,"Babe I gotta go. I can't carry all this stuff with one hand okay? I'll call you later." He says,"Okay bye baby." I hang up then grab the food and head to the car. See my mom didn't wanna get out cause she had on a tight pencil skirt she thought she could fit, but when she put it on at church it just showed all her goodies if you know what I mean. All day at church my aunties kept smacking it and talking about it. It was so funny.

Once all of us have our food we dig in then pull off!

2 hours later....

It is now night time and as soon as get in the house I feel like passing out but I can't so I just quickly walk upstairs and take off all my clothes and take a hot shower.. Once I'm done with that I change into some night shorts with an over sized t-shirt, then wrap my hair up and say my prayers then go straight to sleep......

In the morning....

I surprisingly wake up to my alarm clock on my phone. I walk to the bathroom and do my hygiene then change into green army print skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and a green cardigan. I then put on a gold chain necklace along with my brown timberlands.

We were basically rushing out of the house, because my mom woke up late. Right now I'm making Michael's lunch for my mom. They finally come down stairs and I give Michael his lunch then we rushed to the car and pulled off.

Once we get to my school I tell my mom bye then walk in. Since I'm late I have to get a late slip from that snobby lady at the front desk. She hates me.

As I'm about to sign the slip lady looks at me and saids,"What are you doing?" I say back,"Not to be rude but, what does it look like?" She frowns and saids,"Who do you think your talking to?" I finish signing the slip and snatch it off the clip board and say,"Once again what does it look like. I'm obviously talking to you? So please stop with the dumb questions. I know you hate me and I hate you too so are we done playing the question game?" With that I walk to my class leaving her looking surprised, she knew. My period needs to calm down though. Once I grab my stuff from my locker I head to class. I really don't want to go in there, all eyes will be on me, and I hate attention. I breathe in and out then grab the handle and walk in and to my desk next to bae.

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