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~Angela's POV~

Sunday, July 3rd

I got back to the house at 12:45. Christina was waiting for me in the kitchen. She looked a little too happy to see me.

"We have to go to Madison's now!" She said super fast pulling me out of the house.

"Why so early?" I asked getting into her car.

"Because Madison wants us there early." She laughed and pulled out of the drive way.


We arrive at Madison's and walk to the backyard where she and Jack G are trying to start the fire.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" I asked and sat in a chair.

"Madison couldn't start the fire so she called me." He laughed and started the fire sitting down by Madison.

"So why'd you make us come early?" I asked Madison.

"Well it's supposed to rain soon and I thought why not have the fire early so we can hang out longer. I have a fireplace inside and I also have a surprise but that's for later." She said with a devilish smile that made us laugh. I just sat back and relaxed infront of the fire along with Jack G, Madison and Christina.

Soon I felt a rain drop on my face. Apparently I wasn't paying enough attention cause when I looked up everyone was inside. I sighed and folded up my chair and put it in the shed. Why didn't anyone tell me they went inside.

I walked up to the slide door and had trouble opening it. I laughed at myself and actually opened the door. I shut it behind and called out for the others when I found a note on the table.

'Hey Ang! Me, Chris and Jack went to get your surprise. Put in a movie or something. Just make yourself at home. We'll be home soon!!
- love ya, Madison'

I smiled and set the note back down and walked to the couch. I turned the tv on and skipped through the channels until I found a movie. They were having a high school musical marathons how could I not watch it?! It was my childhood!

Around high school musical 3, they still weren't back so ended up drifting off to sleep.

A few minutes later I was woken up to the tv off and everyone around me. And when I say everyone I mean everyone, from Nate and Chris, to Nash and Hayes. Everyone.
I felt the pink rush to my cheeks from embarrassment. When Christina started laughing.

"We've been here for at least an hour now." She said.

"And you've just been starring at me?" I reply kinda annoyed.

"No, that's just weird. But get up. We're gonna do something later, but until we figure it out. We'll leave you to it." She says and every gets up and goes either upstairs or in the basement.

"Wait. To what?" I yell and stand up from the couch. When I turn towards the stair way, I see Sam sitting on them. I freeze. I just stare at him with a blank look on my face. He stands up and puts his hand in his pockets. His eyes never leaving mine. He has a shy smile on his face. I felt a tear fall onto my cheek. I didn't even know I was crying. How could I let myself get hurt so much, let alone, show my feelings to the person who hurt me. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to the back slide door and opened it with no trouble. I ran out back into the pouring rain. I just broke down. I couldn't hold the tears any longer. I heard the door slide shut and I turned around.

"I'm sorry! Nate told me everything!" He yelled over the sound of the rain hitting the ground.

"You never came out! I waited out there for 20 minutes!" I yelled back.

"I know! Nate told me. I wasn't home. I was at Johnsons. I wanted to talk about everything and he picked me up." He said walking towards me slowly.

"You don't trust me!" I yelled again, making him stopped walking.

"I was worried about you, then I got the text right before you walked through the door. I do trust you. But the feeling of betrayal and anger that I felt back then just came back when I saw you! I don't know how, but I love you more than I loved her! I'm sorry!" He yelled, started to tear up.

"No you can't say that! It's over between us. Even though you weren't home, you knew how upset I was and never came to talk to me!" I replied pushing my now wet hair back.

"I am now! I didn't find this out until this morning." He said taking another step towards me. Making himself now an arms length away.

"We can't be over. Not now!" He says more quietly. I start to cry again. I can't help it anymore. I still love him. Before I could do anything, I felt a pair of warm, soft lips pressed against mine forcefully. Sam cupped my cheeks and pulled away. He looked into my eyes.

"We can't be over" he whispered. We stayed that way for a few minutes with me starring at him. He sighed and turned away.

"Come on Angela! We can't be over! You can't make me fall in love with you and then act like we never happened!" He yells with anger and turns back around.

"Oh my god Sam!" I screamed he looked at me shocked.
"I fucking love you! Don't you see that?! I wouldn't be crying if I didn't!"

He rushes back to me and kisses me hard. I kiss back this time and wrap my arms around him pulling us as close as possible. He grabs my hips pulling me closer to him. He's slides his tongue across my bottom lip and I open my mouth slightly. The rain pours on us making this feel like a movie. But it's not, it's my life. My life, which is full of love from my friends, family, and now Sam.

We eventually pull away for air and he leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I respond looking straight into his eyes. He smiles and grabs my hand pulling me towards the house.

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