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Angela's POV

Sunday, June 5th

Christina got this bright idea to bring me to a party where I know no one. And she won't tell me how she found out about this party. She knows I hate parties because there's always that drunk guy or girl hitting on me offering me a drink and trying to dance with me. Christina doesn't really drink either, unless a cute guy offers her a drink..
Then she ends up leaving me the entire night. Parties are fun unless she leaves me to be bothered by strangers.

"You better not leave me alone at this party!" I said.

"I won't! I promise!" She laughed sticky out her pinky. I grabbed her pinky with mine and laughed.

It was already 5, and Chris said the party started at 6. So we started to get ready. I decided to wear my Grey Linkin Park Muscle Tee, white shorts and black socks that go above my knees and black converse. For my hair, I just kept it natural and my makeup I kept it simple with concealer, eyeliner and mascara.

Christina wore a plain purple cropped tank top, black shorts, and white converse. She lightly curled her hair and did simple makeup.

We looked at the time. 5:45. We walked out of the house and locked the door. I turned around and started walking to Christina's car.

"Hey, where are you going?" Christina yelled from the porch.

"What do you mean? I'm going to your car." I was confused until she pointed to a car parked in the front of the house. Two of the guys from the beach stepped out, one of them being.. Sam?

I walked over to Christina who had a huge smile on her face.

"Need a lift?" The other guy yelled.

"I think we're-" I was cut off from Christina covering my mouth.
"Yes, thank you." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me to them.

"Hi I'm Skate." He said holding his hand out for me.

"Skate?" I laughed shaking his hand.

"Don't hate the player hate the game!" He said throwing his hands up and hugging Christina.

"I'm Sam," he said shaking my hand.

"I'm Angela" I blushed.

"Sorry about this," he said walking me to the car. "Earlier, Nate and I came over and talked to Christina, and they ended up making out after getting each other's numbers" he said, while we both laughed. "Anyways, you don't have to come if you don't want-" I cut him off.

"I want to go"

He smiled and opened the back door for me, and climbing in behind me while Christina and Skate were in the front. I sat in the middle seat, ending in Sam putting his arm around me.

We pulled up to the party and the sun was already starting to set a little bit. There were cars parked blocks away. Damn, this must be a big party.

We all walked in and Sam grabbed my hand. We were soon greeted by the others from the beach the other night.

~{an hour later}~

By now I knew who everyone was. There was the Jacks, Nash, Cameron, Matt, Hayes, Carter, Madison, Kenny, and a lot more people. I've probably met the whole town by now. Me, Christina, and Madison became good friends. And I found out that this party, was thrown by Sam and Skate..

By now, the smell of alcohol was really getting to me, so I went outside for some fresh air. I kinda lost the girls and the guys but I'm used to it. As I sat on the front porch, I seen people smoking on the side of the house, people making out on the other side of the house, and more people arriving.

Once my head stopped hurting I went back inside. I found Christina who was looking for me. She pulled me to a crowd of people and started dancing with me, Madison soon joined us. None of us were drinking, and it made it even more fun. Our adrenaline pumped through us at the beat of the music, and soon Madison was pulled away by Jack G to dance, then Christina and Skate, leaving me by myself again. I didn't really notice until I felt a hand on my waist. I looked up finding the girls gone. I turned my head and found Sam behind me. I blushed and continued dancing. We were in sync, grinding to the beat.

I'm writing another book, it's called 'Bella' please check it out if you want.

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