Chapter 5

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A/N: Life sucks right now. I'm going away for three weeks, again, but I'll be back for the weekend so I'll update every week, so it's doesn't affect you, just thought I'd let you know :) Plus I've lost some fans on Wattpad and I'm too lazy to write >_<

Did you all see all those amazing Zarry moments in the concert yesterday or the day before? ♥o♥ OMG! So basically in the video, the question was "What is one food you refuse to eat?" and Harry whispered to Zayn "Pussy" clearly showing that he's gay to Zayn ;) Then when Harry said he doesn't like salmon, Zayn was telling him off and said something about "tonight" and the way Zayn's hand moved down on Harry's back but was stopped by that mic thing >_< I'm officially dead, so check out that video ---->>>

GIF: There's is that intense, slow, sexual back rub, enjoy ;) ---->>>

The response to the previous chapter was off-the-hook! Like seriously, someone even said they were horny! OMG, you know who you are guuuurl ;) Ahaha I'm glad everyone liked the kiss and not to worry, innocent Zayn will be back in a few chapter, let the poor lad have him moment ;)

Dedication: @justnotsimmple because she gave me an awesome comment and she's been commenting through my chapters, plus the poor girl had a freaking nose bleed from the last chapter because it was so hot, like whaat? :O That's awesomely sad ;P But that's just some crazy shit right there!

Plus I was told that my author's notes are funny and that it's enjoyable to read, I'm honoured you think so :))

Fact: I was in love with carrots before Louis announced that he loves girls who eat carrots, I promise, just ask my friends! ;)

This is just a light chapter, not much drama, that's a pun, you'll see why ;)

Enjoy :) x


Lust. That's what the kiss was, there was no love shared between the two. Well that's what Zayn and Harry told themselves.

In a blink of an eye, Harry was out of Zayn's house, without a word being spoken. As they believed it was the heat of the moment.

Harry never looked back, Zayn wouldn't exactly know because he didn't dare to look out of his window, following the green eyed lad's figure who was, literally, tearing hiss hair out.

Zayn only could sigh in relief as memories of the kiss flooded his mind. He cannot deny the fact that he quite enjoyed the kiss, without a doubt. But it was weird. Harry and Zayn being together in his mind is just weird.

Fluttering his eyes closed, Zayn drifted off into a deep sleep, dreaming of green and brown. Green circles and brown swirls. As much as Zayn hated to admit it, he knew that those colour patterns were linked directly to Harry Styles.


Yawning, causing animal-like sounds to escape Zayn's parted lips, he trudges over to his bathroom having his quick shower as he soon brushes his teeth. He glides over to his wardrobe picking out a plain black top and black skinny jeans along with his black Nike Blazers. He styles his hair like he normally does, in his signature quiff.

Slinging his school bag over his shoulder, Zayn bounces down the stairs, skipping every other step, calling "Bye!" As he leaves the house without another word.

He didn't hear his mother's or sister's calls for him to wait to grab some breakfast. But he just left. His mind somewhere else.

He couldn't stop thinking about yesterday's event. It was like a nightmare, a beautiful nightmare, haunting him while he is asleep and awake. He just couldn't get rid of it.

The way Harry's lips fitted with his. How Harry was so demanding and the way he roamed Zayn's body, but he wasn't forceful, slightly rough, but that's how Zayn liked it.

Sweet, yet spicy.

Kicking stones with his feet on the grey, cracked, gum-printed pavement, Zayn sighed wanting to rip his brain out and finding the place where that memory is stored; so he can personally rip it out, shred it in a blender. Never having to relive it again.

But what if that memory is stored deeply in Zayn's heart? If that was true, Zayn would simply turn a blind eye to that, never believing it.

Horror struck him as he didn't realise that he reached school, the place where that dark angel is.

Harry Styles.

Zayn wonders how Harry is taking the events of yesterday, is it haunting him? Can he sleep at night without seeing flashes of the hot make-out session or seeing coloured patterns representing the other?

All these thoughts clouded Zayn's mind, that he didn't even realise that he was already in his form class, sitting in his usual chair, waiting for the teacher along with his best friends to arrive.

"How did it go with Sir Cock-Pussy?" Came a voice followed by a slap on his back, Niall.

Zayn snickered as Niall won't even know the half of the terrible event "Sucked, like always" he informed as Niall nods, smiling sympathetically.

"Awww, we're sorry mate, we feel for you, you're like my younger brother, even if you're seven months older than me" Liam pipes up rubbing Zayn's back then pinching the older lad's cheek.

Zayn swats Liam's hand away groaning "You just don't understand! I'm confused, I feel like choking myself to death!" He wines as they enter their first lesson of drama.

"Save the drama for the stage please" Their drama teacher Mrs Dandelion, yeah she has the name of a flower, interrupts them while she walks onto the black stage clapping her hands in the auditorium; causing the sound to echo, bouncing off all the walls.

Liam pulls Zayn to a seat near to the back as Niall followed quietly. Mrs Dandelion kept on raising her voice when she wanted to emphasise something, she was very dramatic, but that's just what makes her a magnificent drama teacher.

Mrs Dandelions's voice booms again saying "Okay my little stars, today we'll all have the same scenarios, well more like a theme or an idea. You'll need to be in pairs, and no, I will not accept a group of more than two! The scenario will be about two star-crossed lovers. So go shuffle around and find your partner NOW!" She commands while students scamper around the auditorium in search of a partner.

Zayn, Niall and Liam sigh knowing that they can't be together. This time it was Liam's and Niall's turn to be partners, they take turns for it to be fair; which left Zayn near Mrs Dandelion as he didn't have a partner.

Zayn then also took this time to realise that in a completely different universe, some may see Harry and Zayn as two star-crossed lovers. But Zayn's in his own universe where him and Harry are just enemies.

Mrs Dandelion frowns "Hmmm, seems like Zayn doesn't have a partner" she pipes up sadly as she scans the classroom

"I'LL BE HIS PARTNER!" A loud voice shouts from within the dark, black, walls.

All students scanned the area to find who exactly that voice belonged to, a body soon appeared. An all too familiar figure strides over to Zayn smiling genuinely. If this was a fairy tale, Harry Styles would be the one striding over to Zayn. But all fairy tales are just lies, giving hope to the desperate ones which will only crush their dreams if ever finding their Prince Charming or their Cinderella.

Instead, Louis Tomlinson stood in front of Zayn, just inches away from the olive skinned lad, wearing a genuine smile across his face.

Zayn gasps, he sees Harry standing by himself, Louis and Harry were partners, but as soon as Louis left Harry's side, Alice was quick to replace it. Alice's old partner just went with another person who was in a secret group of three.

Mrs Dandelion claps her hands together "Perfect! Now everyone has a partner" she announces adding "Now begin!" She commands as all the students scatter to different parts of the auditorium.

Louis slings his arms over Zayn's shoulder as he guides Zayn to the very back of the black hall.

"What are you playing at?" Zayn hisses while shrugging Louis' arm off his shoulders as he glares at Louis.

Louis shrugs innocently "Nothing" he pipes up simply.

Zayn raises both of his eyebrows "Oh really?" He asks, not believing that word which Louis just spoke.

Nodding his head, Louis admits "Yeah, I actually feel bad for being quite harsh to you and your two friends, I don't exactly know you, yet I had that audacity to pick on you" while throwing his head back in the direction of Liam and Niall, who were currently acting with Liam on the floor on one knee holding onto Niall's hand.

"What did Harry tell you?" Zayn hisses, questioning the brown haired lad.

Louis furrows his eyebrows "Harry? What has Harry got to do with this? Harry's been acting like a real jerk, snapping when I asked how his day went yesterday" Louis says sadly while wearing an adorable pout.

Zayn's stomach clenches at the heartbreaking sight, even though Zayn despised the loud, obnoxious, dramatic, lad a mere four minutes ago, he felt sympathy towards him; imagining how hard it would be to have Harry as a best friend. Plus, he must of also been taking out his range on his chocolate feather haired best friend verbally, probably not physically.

Zayn nervously places his hand on Louis' shoulder blade, as he rubs soothing patterns on his back, trying to calm the lad down who was sniffling back his tears.

"Great work at the back boys! Loving the waterworks Louis, that's it Zayn, comfort your lover!" Mrs Dandelion's voice booms from the stage as she gives both lads an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Zayn chuckles at her words "She thinks we're acting" he snickers as he throws his head back laughing.

Only if Zayn turned his gaze slightly to the left, he would have seen a certain angry, seething, scowling, tall, curly haired lad. But Zayn was too focused on his newly found friendship with Harry's best friend.

"You gotta love her" Louis confirms as they both look over to their drama teacher who is pretending to be stuck in a box, like one of those mimers.

Zayn chuckles nodding "Okay let's do this! You got any ideas?" Zayn quizzes, peering over at Louis, who is currently fiddling with his navy shirt buttons.

Louis dramatically makes a thinking sound as he strokes his invisible beard "Well, we could mix it up, take a different meaning to 'two star-crossed lovers' and have it like a forbidden one. So like they're enemies and it's like a love hate relationship, mainly two star-crossed lovers are all lovey dovey. But that's just disgustingly sappy" he explains seriously.

Zayn's eyes twitch at the accuracy of how his and Harry's relationship is, well if you change love to lust, then it's very accurate. Wait, Zayn couldn't believe he actually thought of him and Harry being in a relationship, well maybe being enemies was their relationship.

Zayn scratches the back of his neck "Uh, sure, yeah let's do that! He replies beaming, a bit more enthusiastically towards the end of his reply.

After fifteen minutes of thinking of a plot, acting it out and fooling around, Mrs Dandelion announces "Okay, we'll have time for around three groups, first up is Poppy and Brittany because I never saw a single bit of acting. Second will be, Liam and Niall because both of you were laughing a lot, so I'd like to know what was so funny. And lastly, Zayn and Louis, your acting looked very well and natural so I can't wait to see what happens" she commands causing students to groan, some groaned because they wanted to show their play, while others groaned because they had to show theirs.

One of those groaning due to having to show theirs was Zayn, sure he was fine at acting, but he hated being under the spotlight with all eyes focused on him. Sure people try to comfort him by saying to imagine everyone in their underwear or everyone naked. But that only scares Zayn more, everyone naked. People you'd never wish to see naked. It only frustrated Zayn more when people tried to comfort him. Zayn was just a person who never would seek attention, or liked to be the centre of attention.

Zany shook his head getting rid off his thoughts, as he tended to over think too much, hence increasing his fear of attention.

Two girls walk onto the stage with their head held high. Poppy and Brittany were both cheerleaders, Poppy has bright red hair, she was petite and very cute, she has a button nose and a heart shape face, people always compared her to Arianna Grande. She was the complete opposite of Brittany. Brittany has strawberry blonde hair, she was tall and had a slim face, people compared her to Brittany Spears, well the young Brittany Spears.

"AND BEGIN!" Mrs Dandelion's voice bellows from the front row, as she inspects both girls closely, watching their every move, much like a hawks.

It was clear that Brittany and Poppy didn't do any rehearsal as they both stood on stage with their hands on their hips, looking at Mrs Dandelion expectantly.

Poppy began to panic, seeing as she was the weaker one out of the two. "So, Andy called again and he was like saying he wants to fuck you" she bursts out.

Everyone tries to stifle their laughter but fail, Poppy was trying her hardest to not make a fool of herself but it was just the opposite.

Brittany clears her throat "Oh why can't he just give up? I know I'm sexy as hell, but please? I can do way better that him" she snarls flicking her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Yeah, you could rock his world. I bet he's even wanked off to pictures of you" Poppy pipes up winking at Brittany.

Mrs Dandelion groans as the students laugh "THAT'S ENOUGH!" She yells clearly pissed off. "Poppy, I'm happy that you thought of something on the spot, but maybe next time think of something a little more appropriate and Brittany please, get your head out of your skinny little ass!" She commands rolling her eyes.

Stomping her foot on the stage, Brittany whines "I can assure you that my ass is NOT skinny and little, Poppy's one is" while pointing a finger at her best friend accusingly.

Poppy gasps "How can you even say that? And to think I never shared your secret about when you had to stuff tissues in your bra last year! Oops" she says while hiding her smirk behind her small hand.

"I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH YOU TWO! Poppy please find another friend, now both of you, OUT OF MY SIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Mrs Dandelion yells pointing her finger towards the chairs, motioning for them to get off the stage; which they both quickly do, scurrying to their seats.

Zayn shakes their head, knowing that they were both indeed talking about Andy, who is in our year. Zayn doesn't really mind Poppy, but she was sadly just a follower; always there to compliment Brittany, never the other way round.

Mrs Dandelion rubs her face in frustration "OKAY! NIALL AND LIAM, YOU'RE NEXT!" She yells.

Niall and Liam sprint onto the stage, not wanting to annoy their drama teacher anymore than she already is.

"You may begin" she announces smiling at both of the nervous students.

Niall swallows the lump in his throat as he climbs the ladder, taking a seat at the top on the larger step. Niall then pulls out the end of a mop'a brush placing it on his head as he quickly spears some red felt-tip on his lips. "Oh thou Leonardo, you came to save thou lover" he speaks down to Liam who is knelt down on his knee, at the bottom of the ladder.

The auditorium was filled with snickers and giggles by the students at Liam's name and the way Niall began to flutter his eyelashes and flip his mop of hair, literally.

"Of course thou Natalie, our father's can never keep us apart, the stars show that we're destined for one another" Liam calls from bellow.

Both Liam and Niall want to laugh at the girl name which they made for Niall, but neither can as they must stay in role. But that didn't stop other students, even Mrs Dandelion, to chuckle with laughter. Zayn laughs loudly at both of his friends, knowing that it must be hard for both of them to keep a poker face.

Niall skips down the ladder carefully while holding onto his gown, so he doesn't even trip over it. Students, even Zayn, furrowed their eyes in confusion as to wondering when Niall even changed into a dress. But it just made things that much more hilarious.

"Thou had bought tears to my eyes with thou's such heartwarming words" Niall says wiping a tear away while smiling down at Liam who is now standing chest to chest with Niall.

Liam wipes the tear away "Runaway with me my beauty, we'll run off into the sunset. I'll travel the word for you, I'd even walk through lava just to be with you, my love" Liam says holding onto Niall's hands.

"Thou has my permission, now kiss me!" Niall demands.

Mrs Dandelion was in tears, leaning on the edge of her seat, if she leant anymore she would be on the floor. Some girls also had tears in their eyes. Zayn was smiling fondly at his friends.

"They're really good" Louis praises into Zayn's ear who nods proudly looking over at his best friends.

Liam smiles "As you wish" he says. Liam dips Niall down into his arm as he places a hand over Niall's mouth which he then kisses sweetly.

Liam and Niall both do the air-grab move saying "And scene" they both hold hands bowing to the audience "Thank you!" they yell smiling to the crowd.

The auditorium burst into cheers, the loudest ones coming from their best friend Zayn, who couldn't hide his huge proud grin as he raised two huge thumbs up over to them.

Mrs Dandelion tackles both boys into a bone-crushing hug causing them to gasp for air once she releases them. "Oh thank god! I thought this was going to be a disaster just like the previous one, especially when I saw Niall looking like that" she explains motioning to Niall's outfit. "A job well done Natalie and Leonardo" she winks at Niall and Liam, using their stage names.

Once both Niall and Liam are seated, after receiving a few high fives from students, Mrs Dandelion pipes up "ZAYN AND LOUIS TO THE STAGE!" While clapping her hands motioning for them to hurry up.

Zayn's stomach churned, he was not going to vomit, he would never be able to live that down if he did. Louis held Zayn's hand softly, giving him a reassuring look "It's going to be fine, just how we rehearsed" Louis comforts as they go onto the stage, releasing each other's hand when they come in the light.

But Harry saw the small sign of affection, causing him to grip his arm rest tightly, nails digging into the black plastics while he clenched his jaw. He didn't understand why this was happening, but he hated feeling like this.

"Ours is a bit different, the are both star-crossed confused lovers! Which they show through hate" Louis explains as their drama teacher nods her head signalling for them to continue.

Zayn closes his eyes for a second, imagining a happy place where it's just him, his family and his two best friends. Opening his eyes Zayn let's out an uneven breath.

Louis nods motioning Zayn to continue as he mouths 'You can do this' sending his a small smile followed by a wink.

Zayn exhales a deep breath nodding. "What are you doing Tomlinson?" He hisses as Louis shoves him onto the prop wall.

Louis looks deep into Zayn's eyes "What's wrong with you? I heard what you said! I'm not exactly deaf, I was standing right behind you, how could you be so heartless?" Louis says, his voice breaking at the end.

"I am not the heartless one! The heartless one here is you! I'm not the one who just left someone to crumble after confessing their underlying love for them" Zayn spits fisting Louis' navy shirt.

The auditorium was going crazy, it was silent though, but on the inside everyone was excited at the drama on stage.

"I don't love you. You don't love me. We don't love each other" Louis insists emphasising every word.

Zayn rolls his eyes walking over to the front of the stage, looking at the audience "Of course you don't love me. Of course I don't love you. Of course we don't love each other. I mean, all those nights we shared together was simply because we hated each other, right?"Zayn questions as he makes his way to Louis.

Louis shakes his head "No! I mean yes, I mean - URGH! I don't know what I mean, you drive me crazy. I hate seeing you laughing, especially when I'm not the one to cause that angelic laughter. You do things to me that no one else ever has" Louis yells pinning Zayn onto the wall.

Zayn's eyes widen, memories flash from the previous night with Harry pinning Zayn.

"Admit it!" Zayn commands growling into Louis' ear.

"I LOVE YOU OKAY!" Louis yells adding "I hate how much I love you. But I really, really do love you" he says calmly as he caresses Zayn's cheek.

Zayn smirks "Well, I love you too" he says placing his arms around Louis neck.

A girl from the audience screams "KISS!" Causing the whole audience, well everyone besides Harry, to chant "KISS! KISS! KISS!" While laughing loudly as they hear their drama teach joining into the chant.

Louis looks at Zayn smirking with raised eyebrows. Zayn shrugs because it's just a kiss, it will not hold any meaning, plus he thinks that everyone might murder him, including Mrs Dandelion, if he doesn't kiss Louis.

Louis winks at Zayn "Forever and always" he murmurs while pulling Zayn into a soft, sweet, gentle kiss.

The kiss may only have lasted a maximum of five seconds. But being Zayn, he analysed every millisecond of it. From the taste of Louis to the softness of his lips. He was the complete opposite of Harry. Zayn scolded himself for even thinking about Harry while kissing Louis.

Pulling away smiling, both boys bow down being met with ear piercing screams from everyone, except for a certain angry green eyed lad, yet again.

"That was marvellous! Seriously, if I was a stranger! I would actually think that the pair of you were dating. You're incredible! Please give another round of applause for LOUIS AND ZAYN!" Mrs Dandelion commands holding both of Louis' and Zayn's arms up in the air, like they just won a boxing match.

Zayn's soft honey eyes meet with Harry's hard green ones. Zayn wonders what's wrong with Harry, but he shakes his head not caring about anything linked to the Casanova at the moment, especially when being praised.

Harry shoots up from his chair seething with anger. Not knowing who he wanted to kill more, Louis or Zayn. Louis because he kissed Zayn. And Zayn because he is making Harry feel weird.

Louis embraces Zayn into a hug while they walk off stage, from the corner of his eyes he sees Harry getting up and leaving.

Zayn felt this urge inside himself that wanted to go chase after Harry. But his mind told him not to. So he listened to his mind, and not the other thing, the other thing wasn't Zayn's gut or heart, it was just a voice. Well that's what Zayn believes.

"I thought you can't act" Niall points out lunging himself into Zayn's arms.

"You little liar!" Liam yells jumping into the group hug

Zayn chuckles at his friends "Well, I could act but I've always had a fear of attention, so like stage fright" he admits blushing while adding "Louis helped me though" while he smiles over at the feather haired boy.

Liam and Niall nod "Thanks man" they both say in sync patting Louis' back.

"It's the least I can do, especially being a prick to you three, I'm truly sorry" Louis admits scratching the back of his neck.

Niall's and Liam's mouth hang wide open "A-Apology accepted mate" Niall says smiling shocked at Louis.

Louis gleams brightly as Niall calls him mate"Thanks" he says hugging Niall.

Liam nods, still shocked "Er yeah, what he said" he pipes up lolling his head in Niall's direction as he joins the small embrace.

Zayn, Liam and Niall never thought they'd see the day when a popular would apologise to them wanting peace. It was even more shocking as it seemed that Louis actually wanted to be the three of their friends.

"Okay guys, I'll meet you in the lunchroom, I gotta pee really bad" Zayn announces as his friends nod going back to conversing with one another.

Zayn sprints out of the auditorium after gaining permissions from his drama teacher. He turns the first corner heading to the blue door with a black stickman sign on the door, with words 'Boy's toilets' printed on it.

A little sexist with having the door blue but that's how society is, Zayn thought as he entered the bathroom. Zayn ran into the stall desperately, unzipping his black skinnies, Zayn empties his bladder into the toilet. Once done Zayn pulls his zipper up and flushed the toilet. Zayn then makes his way to the sink washing his hands with some hand wash.

Walking over to the hand dryer, Zayn hears the door open. Before he could fully finish drying his wet hands; Zayn was pushed up against the bathroom wall.

Zayn's eyes widen when looking at Harry's lustful eyes, which caused Harry's eyes to turn a very dark shad of green, nearly black.

"Stay away from my friends!" Harry growls pinning Zayn to the bathroom wall.

Zayn raises both of my eyebrows correcting Harry "Correction, friend. I only spoke to Louis you idiot-"

Harry cuts Zayn's speech off by pressing his lips onto Zayn's. He doesn't know why he did that, but he felt the sudden urge that he needed to.

The kiss was just a simple pressing of two lips. No roaming or fighting for dominance.

Pulling away quickly Harry glances at Zayn's shocked face. He turns his gaze and walks straight out of the door growling "Stay away from my friends, especially Louis" slamming the bathroom door on his way out as soon as the lunch bell rang.

And Harry was gone as fast as he entered, leaving a speechless, flustered Zayn.


A/N: THEY KISSED...AGAIN! Or Harry kissed Zayn "/

But have I killed you with Zarry feels?

Why is Harry angry?

What will Zayn do?

Did you enjoy the bit of Zouis? Even if I don't ship Zouis, they were truly cute ^-^

How were the drama role plays? Wasn't Niam's play hilarious? Especially Niall dressed as a girl ;P

Tell me what you think :) x


Comment (best comment always gets the dedication, the longer the better)



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Hate that I love you [Zarry]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ