Love After Mayhem

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Hey guys! Hope you like this Spoby story!

Chapter 1:
Spencer's POV~
Toby glided through the door with groceries. It was 9:00 AM, and I had woken up to a letter from

Toby saying he was going to make a quick grocery run.

"I went by Starbucks, too," he said. I looked at the receipt. It said, "Grande iced coffee w/ double

shot of espresso."

"You know me so well!" I joked. He smiled the grin I love so much and pulled me into a kiss. Soon

after he quickly pulled away.

"Ew, morning breath!" He yelled and started running around the house.

"You are such a jerk haha!" I shouted and chased him. He eventually went upstairs and fell onto

my bed. I plopped beside him and we both went into hysterics. Then we turned to each other and


" I love you, Spence."

"I love you too, Toby. So much."

We then curled up beside each other and put on a movie. This couldn't be more perfect.

Spencer and I watched movies until dinner, and we decided to go out to eat. We ended up

deciding on Olive Garden, so we drove there and soon after got a table. We ordered our food and

then looked up at each other.

"Thank you; this is so nice," Spencer said.

"My pleasure. It seems like forever since we've gone on a date," I said, then started making kissing


"What makes you think I'm kissing you on this date mister?" She said, holding back a laugh.

"Well, for one, this," I said, then leaned over the table and kissed her.

"That was a sympathy kiss. I didn't want you crying tonight because you didn't get to lock lips with

moi!" She teased when we pulled away.

"Uh huh, sure that's me and not you?" I asked quizzically. She laughed and playfully punched me

in the arm.

" So how are things holding up at your place?" Spencer asked. Since Jenna skipped town with

Shana after Wilden passed, I moved back into the house and was renovating it. I stayed at

Spencer's most of the time because of all the work being done, and because it was pretty lonely.

" They're holding up well. Should be done soon," I replied.

"But I don't want you to leave!" Spencer whined. She's so cute when she does that.

"Don't worry, I'll stay at your place plenty, of course, if you want me too..." I added.

"Oh, I definitely want you too. If you do, sooner or later we'll have watched so many movies we

could be movie critics!" She replied. We both cracked up! Then our food came. We finished it,

paid, and went home.

Love After MayhemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora