Carl Imagine 5: Crush

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I hadn't realized that I would still finds ways to be a normal teenager during the apocalypse. Well, in some ways to be a normal teenager. The main thing was that I had a crush on Carl. It hadn't taken me long to notice when it started.

It had started with him getting me to smile when I felt like I never would again. Then I was always looking forward to when he would smile. I noticed after that how wonderful his voice was to my ears. It didn't take long until my heart was skipping beats when he was around.

I was sitting at how little fire as I thought about all of this. Something must have shown on my face because Michonne looked at me and laughed.

"Just tell him already," She said, "you won't regret it."

"Not even a little?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. She got a thoughtful face and then grinned.

"Not even a little. Go now. Before you change your mind," Michonne said. I nodded and got up. I took a deep breath, got a thumbs up from Michonne, then went on my way.

Carl wasn't too far away. As I appoached he smiled at me. My heart skipped and I smiled back.

"So what's up?" He asked. He tried to lean against a fence post and look cool. He had his arms crossed against his chest.

"Um, there was something I wanted to tell you," I said. I bit my lip a little. I was feeling very nervous. So much that I was worried I was going to puke on him.

"Ok," Carl said. He gave me an encouraging nod.

"I really like you. I mean, a lot. In a not friend way," I said. I watched his face for a reaction. I could have sworn he was blushing.

"I really like you too," He said. I smiled.

"That's great," I said. Carl reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah it is," He said. My heart skipped. I definitely had no regrets.

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