Chapter 07: Bets and secrets

Mulai dari awal

After that, I wiped my mouth with my hand, only to open my eyes to meet blood.

A sudden pain came from my left eye.

I groaned loudly, placing both hands over it.

I backed up into the sink. I stumbled forward only to fall on my back. My legs went to my chest with boths hand still on my left eye.

My breathing come out more harsh and faster then before.

I did everything I could to try and calm down. Nothing worked.

I shakily stood up, my right hand on the wall, steading myself. I walked to the door, wanting to get to the nurses office. But, I trip and fall. My legs were under me as my right hand gripped my head. I groaned again. Blood dripped from my hair and onto the once clean floor.

I quickly stood up, eyes closed, and ran to the nurses office.

After inside, I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I went through the cabinet looking for banadges, a patch, and pain killers. Once finding the stuff, I sat on one of the nearby beds.

I used a cloth I had in my pocket to wipe the blood off of my wrist, head, and eye. I wrapped my wrist as best as I could in banadges. Same with my head and eye. I stuck the patch in my pocket for later.

I swallowed 4 pills dry, my head in my hands, waiting impatiently for it to start taking affect.

When I checked the time, I saw that it was around 30 minuets ago when I left.

I sighed and stood up, hopeing that they would take effect soon.

I put the extra banadges and painkillers in my pocket.

My arms were at my sides as I walked out of the building. I made sure to have my hair cover the banadges around my head. My bangs could cover my eye as long as there wasn't any wind....

I walked into the courts. I smiled and closed my right eye, acting like I wasn't bleeding to death for like the 5th time today.

I stood infront of Echizen and Oishi. Tezuka disappeared again.

"Hey, Oishi. What are the others doing?"

He glanced over at me.

"Well, they're running laps. You could start now if you feel like it. You need to run 30. Echizen here is going to be joining us."

I nodded, walked out of the courts, and started running.

Since I already took off my jacket long ago, I didn't need to now.

I passed by the others. That's including only the regulars. Echizen was right beside me.

Before I passed Inui, he spoke to me.

"If you don't finish within 20 minuets, you have to drink my 'Vegatable Juice' drink." He said, holding up a glass.

I sweatdropped, but then smirked.

"You're on. But let's make it more interesting, shall we?"

His attetion was caught onto this. So was everybody elses's.

"If I don't finish 100 laps within a hour, i'll give each of you 10$, i'll do whatever each of you say, and i'll drink anything Inui says to anytime."

That certainly sparked them.

"But, what if you do finish, Senpai?" Question Echizen. I smirked even more.

"Then, you simply train with me."

Tornado (PoT) [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang