Chapter 05: Iris's Card (No more of the 'past')

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Hey, yo..ya. This is chapter 05. Sorry it took so long..had to watch more PoT episodes to get more ideas XD

Currently on episode 173. ALMOST DONE, WOO!!!

Anyway, ......HERE WE GO!!

Um..if you think I for got something..well...umm..

*bows, hands clasped*

Gomen, gomen!!


(AN: PSST! This is when Fuji and them are in 3rd year. It's all back to normal-yo!)

Chapter 05: Iris's Card

Fuji's POV

I was currently in a match with Momoshiro.

It was the Intra-School Ranking Tournment.

Right now, it was 3-1 games. I was spacing out, and, because of me not paying attetion, Momoshiro won a game. For some reason, I just couldn't concentrate. Something's been bugging me bad is going to happen. And soon.

Soon, it became to 5-4.

The points were 40-40.

Then....blood splattered onto the ground.

I cried out.

My hand was on my right wrist, lightly gripping it.

Momoshiro's POV

I was against Fuji-senpai in block C. For some reason, he was acting strange. Like, he didn't seem to mind in anyway that I was catching up to him. Out of fustration, and wanting him to auctually play me, I hit the ball with all my force I could put into it.

I tried to aim my shot behind him but.....I heard a sharp and loud crack.

Keyword: tried.

When I looked back, he was on his knees, holding his right wrist. His face was in pain, eyes still closed.

I dropped my racket, jumped the net, and ran over to him.

I knelt in front of him.

Captian Tezuka, Kaidoh, and everyone else was surrounding us.

"F-Fuji-senpai..I-I....I'm so sorry! I thought you were just kidding with me and...I used all my force to hit the ball...I didn't know that it would hit you....I-I'm...s-s-sorry!"

I put my head down in shame. I heard a gurnt of some sort come from my injuried senpai.

I tilted my head up to look at him.

He was looking at me, smileing, but still obvisiouly in pain.

"I-It's alright Momoshiro. You didn't mean to. It was my fault..I w-wasn't really paying attetion. I-it's alright....I-I'm o-okay..see?"

He tried to assure me.

He waved his hand slightly. He winced, noticably.

"S-See? I-I'm a-alright. It's f-f-fine....."

Inui came up behind Fuji-senpai and lightly, and barely poked his wrist.

He yelled out in pain.


He lightly clutched his wrist to his chest.

"See? You are not fine, Fuji. You should really go to the hospitable."

Tornado (PoT) [EDITING]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora