Second: Dollhouse

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Picture perfect family.

Most people would often describe the lot of them that way, although they were complete and utter lies.

Picture? (Y/N)'s beautiful, stress-free mom has burned lots of their precious mementos. Their baby pictures and her and Mr. (L/N)'s wedding photos included. She dared to destroy her daughter's teddy bear, too, because (Y/N) was required to 'grow up.'

Perfect? Not even close. Unless society considered a cheating dad, a drunk mom, and an extremely rebellious brother very role model worthy.

Basically, living amongst the (L/N)'s was living hell. There was only one thing that kept the youngest child, (Y/N), going, without beating herself in the process.

Months have passed since she and Adrien Agreste met. To their dads, it was to be expected, but to everyone else- they were quite shocked. (Y/N) couldn't blame them. At first, she was equally as shocked- like, really shell-shocked. Never in her life has she ever begun to think that she could ever receive such a God-blessed gift of a friend like Adrien. He was smart, kind, gorgeous, and down right funny.

At least, to (Y/N) he was.

He meant the world to her. He did everything he could to lighten up her day, no matter how painful and obnoxious it went. A smile had always graced her face whenever they interacted, and when she noticed that detail, it was then that she realized that she cared about Adrien more than she should.

Obviously the blond boy wasn't aware of that, but it wasn't like she wanted him to know either. For now, it was a secret that she must keep to herself; to avoid getting the both of them hurt.

Adrien might have presumed that (Y/N)'s father was a great guy, but he was not. Unlike normal fathers, he was an absolute pig. He vented out all of his anger on (Y/N) and her brother.

Thanks to him, her mom was aggressively chugging down every form of alcohol she could find. During sleepless nights, (Y/N) would wander around their house and find her mom pulling out a flask, forcing herself to forget her husband's infidelity. She was degrading her own esteem to her spouse's level, surrending to her 'unfathomable fate'. When in reality she just didn't give a damn anymore.

But oh, no, it didn't stop there. There was a lot more to it than that.

Today (Y/N) and Adrien were swinging on the park, having some quality time hanging out with each other. She had a bit of difficulty hiding the cuts and bruises given to her by the previous beating of her dad, settling with a long-sleeved (favourite color) sweater. She hoped that she could flee the play date undiscovered, not wanting her only friend to worry about her.

'I'm enough trouble as I am now. I can't possibly bring more to Adrien. He doesn't deserve to suffer because of me,' (Y/N) thought miserably, tightening her grip around the ropes until her knuckles turned white. Other thoughts crawled their way into her head: what if they wanted Adrien and her apart? What if they were plotting to exploit her by harming him instead?

Darn it. Just the very idea of any of her unloving parents laying a hand on Adrien pissed her off so, so much.

Before she could process what was happening, salty liquid was pouring from her (E/C) eyes.

"And then I said-" Adrien was saying, but paused upon seeing her sad expression. In a heart beat, he was kneeling in front of her, his own features etched in worry. He wiped some of the stray tears that continuously rolled down her cheeks away using his thumb, whispering, "Hey, come on, (Y/N), don't cry... what's the matter? Did I say something wrong?"

(Y/N) vigorously shook her head, sniffing, "N-No, Adrien... You d-didn't... You never even did anything wrong... You're... You're..." Innocent.

She couldn't bring herself to finish. "I-I'm sorry..." She apologized, ducking and gazing blankly at the ground.

Adrien sighed. He scratched the back of his neck, moaning in protest, "... What am I going to do with you..." He mumbled.

Then, the next scene nearly gave (Y/N) a heart attack.

Adrien was wrapping his arms around her fragile form, rubbing comforting circles on the small of her back. He muttered some words of encouragement to her, despite not knowing what her real problems were.

Still, she appreciated the gesture. She appreciated him.

'Next time, I won't be so scared anymore.' she mentally promised to both herself and Adrien, slowly returning the embrace. The pair remained that way for a long while, until the time came that Adrien had to go home.

"I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" He called out, dashing towards their family car, only whirling around to add, "Ice cream after class!" (Y/N) managed a giggle, waving to him goodbye as he left.

Who would have thought that a hug was all a little girl needed when depressed?

[A/N: This story was originally on Quotev under the name of " Alice ". I just thought I'd put it up in Wattpad as well. The later chapters shall be longer, I promise.]

Cry Baby [ Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir X Reader ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz