"It hurts to stay awake!"

"I know, honey. Do it for Scott."

It seemed like Scott heard this because he ran upstairs, widening his eyes when he saw his Mate withering in pain. He walked up to Mitch immediately, flinching when the Omega screamed loudly. Alyssa watched with teary eyes, her heart breaking at the sight. He quickly handed Scott a blanket, who covered Mitch with it quickly. The Lead Alpha ran downstairs, Mitch's tears making his shirt wet.

"I need to go to the hospital," Scott called out, not waiting for anyone's responses. Mitch held onto him tighter, sobbing loudly. "Avi, you're in charge."

Scott ran to the car and unlocked it, setting Mitch in the front seat. The Omega began to hyperventilate, the pain becoming too much. The last thing he saw was Scott coming on the car and the thing he heard was his Mate saying:

"You're going to be okay."

And darkness devoured him.


"Husband of Mitch Grassi-Hoying?"

Scott stood up, nodding at the nurse. She smiled up at him, looking back at her clipboard.

"Mitch is okay," she told him, laughing at the exaggerated sigh of relief. "His appendix was about to burst. You came in time though. He will have to stay here for a couple of days, but he will heal fast. You may see him now."

"Thank you,....?"

"Kyah," the nurse told him, winking a bit. Scott nodded, letting the nurse lead him to a room. Room 24 to be exact. "If you need anything, just press the button on the remote. I will be at the nurse's station. Just request for me. I'll see you later."

"Bye," Scott replied, waving to the nurse. He walked into the room, smiling softly at his loopy Mate. "Are you okay?"

"I'm as fine as ever," Mitch answered, smiling lazily. He giggled, his eyes full of exhaustion. "You are very tall."

"Thank you," Scott commented, laughing a bit. Mitch frowned a him, a thoughtful look on his face. "What's the matter?"

"You look like my husband."

Scott laughed, loving this loopy side of Mitch. The Omega tilted his head, recognizing that laugher from anywhere. Only he couldn't figure out who laughed like that.

"Oh," Mitch exclaimed, snapping his fingers sloppily. Scott nodded, trying not to laugh loudly. "You laugh like him too."

"I do now?" Scott asked, sitting on the bed. Mitch looked at him, his frown prominent. Scott was about to kiss him, but Mitch pushed him back. "What was that about?"

"I only kiss my husband," Mitch answered, glaring at Scott the best he could. Scott laughed as Mitch's eyes closed, only wanting to see this funny and adorable side of Mitch even more. "You are not him."

"What's his name?"


Scott laughed when Mitch began to snore quietly after that, kissing his forehead softly. He sighed happily, brushing Mitch's hair back. He laid on the bed, holding Mitch close to him.

I love you so much, Princess Ariel.

"I love you so much, Prince Erik."

Scott smiled and closed his eyes, exhausted by today's events. Tomorrow will be better with no doubt. He wants nothing more than a happy tomorrow. That's all he wants.


Jake sighed as he walked towards the phone, his hands shaking slightly. Alex has been gone for a couple days now and it was scaring him a bit. The phone call from the other day only struck more fear into him.

Why did Alex say about me when he went to see Scott? Is that where he is?

Jake sighed once more, looking at his engagement photo. Alex was looking at the ring excitedly while he was hugging him close. They both of them looked so happy.

What happened?

It started about a month after Kirstin and Jeremy were declared dead. Alex, for some reason, was very sad. He felt like he was the reason why the rouge Alpha and Beta ended their lives. After that, he became a different person.

He no longer listened when he was supposed to and he broke every rule. He snuck out and told lies, lies that even Jake can't tell if they were lies or not. Alex changed quickly and he didn't like it one bit.

What is the matter with him?

Jake looked over a picture of Alex, taken the day before Kirstin and Jeremy died. He looked so happy and carefree. He stopped loving Scott that day entirely. Of course, he will never stop loving him, but all the romance was gone and over with.


Jake picked up the phone, typing in a random number. He put the phone to his ear, waiting for a response. He sighed in relief when he got one, his heart slowing down a bit.

Alex, just know that I love you. This is the best option for you.

"Police department, Council member speaking. How may I help you?"

"Yes, I will like to stay anonymous. I will like to report a missing person."

"Okay. Will you tell us his name?"

"Alexander Kirk."

"Okay, tell us his description please."

After describing him, Jake took a deep breath. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Once you find him, please don't bring him back home."

"Okay, we'll make not of that. We're do you want us to send him?"

Jake closed his eyes, afraid of losing Alex. He let a tear escape, taking a deep breath before answering back.

"Carter's Rehabilitation Center."

A/N: This is more of a filler chapter. Hopefully, I will be more happy tomorrow. My patience was tested a lot today and I was ready to snap. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)


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