Chapter Eleven

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Marcel POV

I rung the doorbell at Kassidy's house and her mother answered.

"Can I talk to Kassidy please? I need to give her something", I pleaded to her mother.

"Sorry, she's asleep at the moment. But I will be willing to take what ever you are giving her and give it to her", she said and I handed her the letter I had written.

"Thank you", I said and left the doorstep.

Flashback to yesterday

I walked around the house wondering where Kassidy had gone. Being devastated for about thirty minutes or so, Harry popped up and told me she had left and he dropped her off.  I've never felt like a a bigger douche than my twin my whole life.

"You really hurt her you know", Harry said.

"Yeah, I know. I am such a dick. I don't know why I left her for popularity. I didn't know popularity would get to me this much. It's just different, from being everyone's shadow and now everyone treats me like another pal, it's amazing."

"Thing is Marcel, you weren't everyone's shadow. Kassidy never treated you like one and never thought you were one."

Harry was right. I know he can be a dick of a brother at times, but he is telling the truth in this one. I need to make it up to Kassidy. I need to show her that the real Marcel hasn't left and is still here in love with her. Yes, I know love is such a strong word, but it's like that.

"What should I do?", I asked Harry. I am sure he knows some girl advice from being such a girl magnet ever since he moved here to California.

"Well, show her that the real Marcel hasn't left. Show her that you are that sweet person that she loves. I want you to be happy and I know Kassidy makes you happy. It is the least I can do for being so terrible to you the past few weeks since you moved here."

The "jocks" as Kassidy calls them were being nice, but too nice. They bullied me endlessly when I wore my glasses and my hair combed in. Why would I want to be friends with them? Why have I fallen in that trap.

"Hey, we should hang out tomorrow night Marcel!", David said.

"No, why would I hang out with you? You teased me endlessly about being who I am. Just because I changed my look doesn't mean the geek who plays with his calculator has left. So, no fucking thanks."

"Now you think you're some kind of god just because you changed? I am not begging to hang out with you! I just insisted!", he exclaimed.

"I don't think I am a god. But I do think I am a much better guy for Kassidy than you have ever been", I said.

"Look at you, you're talking like a bitch. Don't tell me you're Kassidy", he hissed.

"What the fuck? Kassidy isn't close to a bitch. She is a much more real person than you and everyone here. She has a heart of gold and hearing her laughter makes me happier than I could be. So if you are calling someone a bitch call Nicole and Natalie. They are great girls for this type of crowd."

"I'm sorry David, but what you said about Kassidy isn't even close to right", Harry added and punched David right into the face knocking him out.

We left the party and I ran up to my room to think of how to make up to Kassidy. Then it hit me, I should make a letter. A letter explaining my true thoughts and feelings about her.

Kassidy POV

I opened the envelope and pulled the letter inside it.

Dear Kassidy Anne Holmes,

I really don't know how to start love letters like this. But I guess I'll start it with I'm sorry. I never knew how much a girl, so breath taking and so wonderful, can be interested in a boy like me. Ever since the day we've met, I have fallen deeper and deeper.

On the first day we met, I didn't know anyone in this school. I was completely new and lost with who I was. I felt like I was hidden. My brother didn't want to be seen with me and my mum, was not present to cheer me up on not getting dates or getting an A+  on my maths test. Then in math class, my eyes were caught on this beautiful girl, one with gorgeous brown hair and striking sapphire eyes. Her smile can be seen miles away. She was flawless wearing her grey knitted cardigan and dark indigo jeans. She defended me when guys call me a "geek" or worse and she accepted me for who I was. She welcomed me into this school, with a big bright welcome. She stopped my homesickness once and for all. I knew being with her would be a dream come true.

More and more, I got to get to know this sapphire eyed girl. She enjoyed listening to music and singing loud during car rides. She didn't care what others think and was willing to lose to gain. She taught me that life shouldn't be taken for granted. Every minute I spend with her and her heart, so golden and warm, I think of her more and more. I read novels, highlighting the lines that remind me of her. I write poems, some with my feelings for  her and some that explain how beautiful she truly is. She always complains to me she has flaws, but I can never manage to see them.

She wasn't just a drug to me, she was like that to others. Everyone couldn't get enough of her. That was when I realized I had no chance and that I shouldn't try no longer. She told me how jocks weren't her type, but I knew geeky wasn't either. But her kind hearted soul, opened up to everyone.

I knew she was the one for me, and I wished every night that she thought that too. My whole life changed because of this girl. This girl that accepted my flaws and became friends with me even if I was some geek. She fought for me and stood up for me when times were rough. She helped the relationship with my brother and I, fixing the bond we once had. And more importantly, she is a huge reason why I didn't give up. She was my strength and my weakness.

One day, she read a poem. All to which was true. She lifted my doubts and made me into a confident and strong young man. She made me realize how much a man can love someone. When our lips met, it was like a potion. I imagined a life with her. I imagined moving by the beach and listening to the waves crash as we go to bed. I imagined you in my arms and kissing you in the forehead.

Yes, I know. Kassidy, you may not forgive me for what an idiotic thing I have done. But even if you won't let me have another chance, I thank you for such a huge affect you have done to my life. I am still the Marcel you met on the first day, he hasn't left and he still loves you with all his heart. He will be willing to return his clothes and stop wearing contacts in order for you to be his companion again. He misses you. And, I miss you.

- Marcel.


My eyes became watery as I wrote the letter... haha. Well, this isn't the end. There is more to come. Please comment and like! I've worked really hard on this chapter and it is my favourite one at the moment! Thank you x

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