Chapter Five

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Kassidy POV

I quickly picked up my bike from the stands and walked to notice David and Marcel talking in the corner of the pavement. I hurried along and heard Marcel attempting to protect himself. It was adorable, if I say so myself. I saw David fist his palms and punch Marcel in the face. I ran quickly to the middle of them with Marcel on the floor grasping the pain.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing David?", I said.

"Oh, little savior Kassidy coming to the rescue", he teased.

"Answer my fucking question. What did Marcel do to you? Nothing right? Because he's not a douche bag like you. You're top of the line. No wonder we broke up in the first place, I can't stand dicks like you. You and your ego. You're incredibly cocky for someone who's scared of the dark", I said.

The crowd started to become bigger and bigger. Some heard my last comment and started to cheer.

"I'm not scared of the dark", he said in defense.

"So you have a spongebob nightlight in your room for no reason? And you have to call me in the middle of the night because you we're scared monsters were under your fucking bed? I don't know about not scared of the dark your talking about you little pussy", my eyes started to become glossy and his face started to become red.

His fists clenched together and I started to become frustrated.

"What? So now you want to punch me? Go ahead. I know you wont because you're too worried about your ego that is a lie! You aren't cool in anyway for beating up Marcel, he's a better man than you'll ever be. You need to go home, David. There's so much other shit I could say but I'd rather not. But if you fucking mess with Marcel again I will say it. All  of it."

He took his bag and walked away along with his squad. I let out a hand for Marcel and he grabbed it to get up. He placed his hand on his cheekbone in pain.

"Here, we have to get ice. Is your father coming soon?", I asked.

"Yeah, he is. But I don't want him to see me like this", he said.

"Well, come over then. Call him and say you're going to my house", I said and he nodded.

After dialing up his father, we walked to my house only a block away.

"Thanks for doing that", he said quietly.

"It's fine. I wish I was there earlier so you wouldn't have to deal with the bruise", I said and looked down.

"No, you have no idea how thankful I was when you arrived. No matter what happened before. I really appreciate the things you do for me", he smiled and realized the pain on his cheekbone and let out an ouch.

"It is fine. I need to stand up for my best friend. I don't like when people mess with you", I responded and he let a smile out again.

We approached my one story house and entered through the front. We both said hi to my mother and walked to the kitchen for some ice. I took the ice into a bag and placed it on his cheek.

"Ow", he said quietly.

"I'm sorry", I replied.

"No it's fine", he laughed.

My mother walked in and realized the bruise on Marcel's cheek.

"What happened here?", she asked worriedly.

"Well, David punched him in the face for no reason", I replied.

"I told you David wasn't a good guy", she said.

"Yeah, I know mother."

"Hope you feel better Marcel", she smiled and left.

"What really did happen before I arrived?"

Meet Marcel: A Harry Styles FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora