Chapter Eight

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Kassidy POV

The bell rung and I quickly exited my last class to meet up with Marcel. He stood by the curb awaiting for his father. I walked over and he was standing next to his brother. Wait a minute. He's standing next to Harry in public?

"Hey", I said.

"Hey Kassidy", they said in unison.

"Harry?", I asked.

"Yeah, Hi."

His dad pulled up on the curb and we all entered the car. I was confused at first on why Harry and Marcel were out together in public, but I don't think it's appropriate to ask.

We walked into the house and quickly got ready in the bathroom with the stuff I packed in my bag. I applied a bit of mascara and got my travel size curling iron to curl my hair to waves. I got a summer dress and topped it off with leather jacket with converse.

I walked back into Marcel's room and fixed his hair into gorgeous locks using the textured clay wax. He took all his clothes and brought in the restroom along with the bag where the contact lenses.

As he was in the restroom I looked over around his room. His bookshelf was on the left of his room .On the right was his desk, so organized. His desk had everything perfectly organized, his calculator was set on the left and his stapler and pencil container was sent on the right. I noticed a paper shoved into the corner of the desk. I straightened the paper up and noticed my name written on it:

Kassidy Holmes

Her eyes, so sapphire

Her touch, like she was made of fire

She was beautiful

To everyone, not just me

So many lads like her

we aren't meant to be

But If only she could see

What I truly feel

My feelings for her are completely


Marcel POV

I looked at the mirror and I didn't know who I was looking at. This was actually me, Marcel Styles. I left the restroom and entered the room where Kassidy was standing right by my desk. She quickly returned a note on the desk, a note that looked like my poem.

Holy Shit. You're a idiot.

Kassidy POV

I felt his presence and quickly hid it back onto the desk. I then turned around and was shocked with what I saw. His face was exposed, no longer being blocked by his large glasses. His green eyes became real, so pretty and emerald. He wore his clothes so right, it fit him more than the previous. He was absolutely good looking. He was Marcel. I couldn't believe who I saw. He was the most adorable guy in the world, but now he looks like his brother, but even more attractive. My cheeks flushed with the poem he had written about me.

"I wasn't lying about you looking more attractive than your brother. I am sure Natalie will be completely head over heels", I said while stuttering in between. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. His lips were warm and tender. It was perfect, he was perfect.

"Thing is I'm not crazy about her, I'm crazy about you", he whispered in my ear, "Okay, you already know this from reading that, I saw you. I've had a crush on you since the day I met you. I am crazy for you."

"I've liked you since the first day too. I was just so confused and it all made sense to me when I read that poem." His green eyes lit up and his adorable dimples were exposed.

"Did you really?", he smiled and looked down on the ground embarrassed. He even let out a snort, which was adorable.

"Yes, I did. I like you, Marcel. You're the kind of guy I want to be with. Not your brother, not David."

We smiled at each other, looking into each other's eyes.

"You ready to go to the party Marcel? We will show them what they're missing", I let out a smile and he nodded.


Thank you so much for all the lovely feedback ! I decided if this fanfic gets more good feedback, I might continue the story even after the best song ever music video releases! Thank you guys for saying such sweet things, this all started from me just wanting to do it for fun knowing not a lot of people will read it. But nearly 2000 reads under 24 hours? that is insane! Please Like and Comment! xx

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