Chapter 1: Realization

Start from the beginning

Rainbow quickly put a hand on Pinkie's mouth and shot her a glare. That seemed to do the trick; Pinkie pried the hand away from her lips and muttered that she'd be quiet.

"Well, I'll go to the library then. I heard there are some new books there, and I really wanted to check them out. See you guys in class!" Twilight said happily as she started walking off.

"Twilight, would you mind if I came along? I've been wanting to read this new book about bunnies," Fluttershy said with a soft voice. "I mean, if that's okay with you of course," she added sheepishly.

"Sure, let's go!" Twilight said with a huge smile. She grabbed Fluttershy's hand and started running down the hallway with the poor girl behind her, desperately trying to keep up. After a few moments of staring at the two girls disappearing down the hallway, Rarity finally opened her mouth to speak.

"Since we don't have many options at the moment, I'll be heading to the library as well then." She made sure to flip her hair before walking off.

"WAIT FOR ME, I'LL COME TOO!" Pinkie shouted after her. Rainbow shot her another glare.

"Oh, right. I mean, I'm coming too," she whispered before giggling. She started skipping after the purple-haired girl who was already halfway down the hallway.

Left were Applejack and Rainbow Dash, standing by their lockers as silence took over. It took a few seconds before Rainbow, who was growing impatient with the awkwardness, decided to break it. She threw the ball at Applejack once again. The only difference was that this time, the poor girl didn't have enough time to react, and it hit her head. Hard.

"Ouch! Rainbow! I told ya I could've gotten hurt!" She said and pressed a hand to the side of her head, a useless attempt to ease the pain.

"Oops... Sorry?" Rainbow said as she stifled a laugh. Applejack glared at her. The rainbow-haired girl easily ignored the dirty look she received and swiftly changed the topic.

"Hey, you wanna play a game?" she asked as she picked up her soccer ball and shoved it back into her locker. Applejack stared at her, unamusement evident.

"If ya are talkin' about somethin' like a battle, then no. I'm the winner and ya know it," she said as she crossed her arms. The two always battled to prove who was the fastest, bravest and strongest girl and Applejack was growing tired of it.

Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"No, I'm not talking about a battle or whatever."

"Then what is it?" Applejack said and stared blankly at her.

"It's called the 'you chase me and I run around like an idiot' game," she said with a wide grin. Applejack frowned.

"There's no such thing as the 'you chase me and I run around like an idiot' game. Ya jus' came up with it."

"Well, it's a game now. If you lose, you'll have to be my slave for an entire week," Rainbow said, a big smirk making its way to her face.

"What? No way!" Applejack argued.

"Less talking, more running!" Rainbow said and started running down the hallway. Applejack stood there for a while, contemplating her options, until she finally gave in and started running in the same direction as Rainbow was. She kept her speed up until she found herself standing outside. Applejack quickly looked around and spotted Rainbow Dash sprinting across the soccer field. She smirked and started running after her, picking up her speed for every second that passed.

Applejack's smirk grew even wider as she got closer to the target.

"Gotcha!" she exclaimed as she reached out to grab the rainbow hair in front of her.

But then, all of a sudden, Rainbow Dash stopped running and went to a halt. She turned around and saw Applejack coming right at her and with little time to react, the blonde hit her hard as they both yelped in surprise before hitting the ground. Rainbow groaned before carefully opening her eyes. Magenta met emerald, and neither moved, their faces just inches apart.

Right there and then, Rainbow Dash finally let herself accept the fact that she indeed didn't like Applejack just as a friend.

A/N: There you have it. I know it's not that great, but it's just the beginning. It'll get better later, but I hope you liked it so far anyway! :)

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