Pt.1 Hydrated Face

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Ah, dry skin. How a pain in the ass you are.
Alright, so here's the thing. My skin is super, super dry. Simply because of genetics, and also the fact that I don't drink enough water. So here are some tips and tricks I use to keep my skin hydrated.
Let's start••

1.Drink Water

First and most importantly, drink water.
I know a lot of people, including me, don't drink enough water throughout the day. But trust me, if you drink at least 8 glasses (2 liters) of water a day, your skin will look and feel amazing. If you're working out, make sure you drink enough during and after your workout.

2. Lotions, Creams and Oils.

You've got a world of lotions, creams and oils to choose from. So experiment and see which works best for your skin. I mostly use oils, like Argan oil and Tea Tree oil. Depending on how your skin is, you can use heavier creams or gel type face lotions. Here are some of the products I use:

- Eucerine Very Dry Skin Lotion

-  Hollywood Beauty Tea Tree Oil

-  Physician Formula Argan oil

- Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion + SPF 15 9 (for humid days)

- Nature Republic Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera (for humid days) 

3. Face masks & Sheet masks

I am a sheet mask whore. I absolutely love sheet masks because there are so many different types to choose from and and they all have different functions for the skin. Some of them are for the whole face, others are just for the chin, the forehead, etc.
face masks are also really great and there are a whole bunch of different types to choose from.
Everybody's skin is different, so my tip is to look for what your skin is in need of and then test out what kind of face masks or sheet masks you prefer. Some of the face- and sheet masks that I've been using a lot frequently, are:

- Etude House Face Masks ( for dry skin: Royal jelly, Honey, Bamboo +Green Tea)

- Dermal Korea Face Masks ( My favorite:  Snail Collagen Essence Face Sheet)

- Laneige Water Sleeping Mask

- Skin Food Rice Mask Wash Off 

4. Exfoliate

Exfoliating is also super important because when you exfoliate you get rid of the dead skin cells on your face, which helps your skin soak in the products you use afterwards much easier and also improves the overall effectiveness of your skin care products. 

Once again, there are  a lot of different types of exfoliators, so just see which you like best and works the best for your skin and the go by that. 

5. Feeding your face 

What we eat not only effects our body but also how our skin looks. So it's important to watch what you put in your bod for your health, and also your skin's health. (* I say after I had just eaten a bowl of instant ramen). But the awesome thing is, is that there are foods that help with dry skin just by eating them on a regular basis. Here's a list of a few: 

- Berries ,especially Goji, Acai and Blueberries (anti aging, prevents dry skin)

- Avocado and papaya  (helps with dry skin) 

- Yogurt (helps with dry, chapped lips)

-  Omega 3s such as salmon, seeds and nuts (extra skin booster)

- Prawns, Seaweed and Strawberries (soft and dewy skin)


Watermelon Mask

Perfect for the summer, this face mask is refreshing and also very hydrating, and you only need two ingredients:

1 cup (100g) chopped watermelon + 1 sliced banana

Mash the watermelon in a bowl until it's smooth. Then add the banana slices and mash them with the watermelon. Apply to the face and neck and cover your face with a damp cloth for ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. 

Banana Face Mask

I guess I really like bananas. This may be a bit more convenient than the other mask, simply because watermelons aren't really fruits that you have around your house at all times. At least not like bananas. This mask is extremely hydrating and is my go to face mask. You'll only need 3 things:

1 banana;  1/2 TBSP honey + 1/2 TBSP olive oil

Mash the banana up well in a bowl. Then add the honey and olive oil and mix them together. Apply a generous amount on your face and neck and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Since there will be quite a bit left over, you can also use this mask on your body. But it's best do do this in the shower. 

That's all for today, lovelies 

Thank you so much for reading :) Please don't forget to follow and vote for this chapter. and if you have any requests, feel free to message me or ask in the comments. Also a big thank you for 1k reads. You really made this girl happy. By the way, this is a 3 part series, so I hope you liked this first part and the next two to come.

Have a nice day, guys. 

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