582 37 2

25th May 2015

Dear diary,

It's my 19th birthday today. Although, I didn't get on the bus today but that's just because I met my old friend, Seo Ha Joon at Starbucks. He took me to lunch and asked how I was. I told him my well-being and he just smiled sympathetically. I smiled back. Ha joon was a very close friend of mine back in high school and I think we still are. His jokes were still lame but I laughed anyways. His used to be Justin Bieber hair was now in a quiff. He still looks handsome. I'm not going to lie but I used to have a crush on him but meh. He got a girlfriend right before I confessed to him. I took that as a sign from god that what I was about to do is a big no-no. His taste in food has changed as well. Ha Joon actually remembered that it was my birthday. He bought me my favourite cake and sang me happy birthday. It was nice to see him again after a few years. Both of us exchanged numbers and he took me home. I was happy today despite Jungkook being MIA. He didn't even text to wish me a happy birthday but I guess he's just trying to forget me.


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