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19th May 2015

Dear diary,

It's been a while since I last opened you, diary. I'm sorry. I've been... busy. A lot had happened through out the week. Especially with Jungkook. I've spent most of my nights with him. We would go to the ttoppoki shop or go on a stroll at Han River or we go for movies. I like spending time with him. Ugh, I like him more and more every single day. Jungkook has been working hard. His debut was pushed forward a month earlier so I guess I do have the chance to watch Jungkook dance and sing. He actually took me to the dance studio and showed me one of his dance routine. He danced amazingly. He's perfect, I swear. Anyways, I went to the hospital today. I went to get check as per usual. No difference. I was still very much cancer-likely. Not that I was hoping for a miracle or anything but I am. Jungkook got on the bus wearing a black V-neck shirt, black skinny jeans and his Timberlands. He wore a grey beanie today. Jungkook has a great sense of style. I've took noticed of that ever since he got on the bus. "Hey, Areum." Jungkook said as he sat beside me. I replied with a hey and smiled. Jungkook looked somewhat nervous though. "Are you okay?" I couldn't help myself from asking. "Uhh. Yeah! Hey, how about we go to Han River tonight?" I nodded and looked out the window. I was nervous watching him nervous. We both got down at stop no 11 and walked towards Han River. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and faced me completely as the view of Han River was in front of us. "I have something to say." Jungkook said, nervously. "Go ahead." Millions of thoughts ran through my head. Endless possibilities that he could say. "I like you. I like you a lot. I like you more than a friend. I like you." Jungkook said like a choo-choo train. "What?" I asked again. Trying to confirm what he just said. " I like you. Do you like me?" It was a question one would of thought that it would be easy for me to answer but it wasn't. I actually stared at Jungkook for a minute before Jungkook had to snap me back into reality. "I... I... I'm sorry." My voice stuttered as I spit the words out of my mouth. I bit my lip trying to hold back the tears. "Oh. It's okay." Jungkook said as he smile. "Uhh. I forgot I have somewhere to be tonight. Umm I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook said before turning and went his way. I had to sit down and compose myself. Tears ran down my cheeks as I held my knees to my chest. I wasn't crying at that point. I was sobbing. God, why does my life to be like this? Out of all the 7 billion people he could of met, he met me. I'm grateful but then again, I'm not. I was happy, ecstatic that he liked me but I just don't want him to like a person who is going to go in a few months.


School is such a troublesome. A 3 day holiday but the 

amount of homework makes it look like a week.

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