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6th May 2015

Dear diary,

It was Friday and as usual, I had to go to my aunt's house to babysit. In today's case, I had to get down one stop early than Bus Stop 5 guy's usual destination but today I sat in my usual seat. I heard the bus door slide open and like any other day, he got on the bus. He smiled at the bus driver before finding his place beside me. Before he can put his earphones in, I whispered a small hello. He turned to face me and gave me a warm smile. He said hello back and put out his hand. I shook it lightly and I probably looked like a tomato at that moment. "My name is Areum." Today was finally the day I got to know Bus Stop 5 guy's name. "I'm Jungkook." I bit the insides of my cheek, trying to keep myself from smiling like a fool. I asked him a question that I've always wanted know. "What are you listening to?" Jungkook smiled and put one piece of his earphones in my ear and the other in his. Music wasn't blasting through it like I would of expected from a guy like him but instead it was quiet. There wasn't any sound coming through the ear piece at all and I gave him a confused look. Before I could ask any questions, it was my stop already and I got up from my seat. "This isn't your stop." Jungkook said and I chuckled. "Glad you noticed but I have things to do here. See you." I gave him a smile and got down the bus. I saw Jungkook stared at me from the window and I gave a shy wave before walking to my aunt's apartment.


I don't know where I am

 going with this story to be honest

DIARY.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum