In the night pt2...

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It's 4:35 right now and I'm just sitting down like those Instagram pictures, (when you over at somebodies house for the first time), but anyway so I was just sitting there all casual and sweet looking.

"So what do you wanna do?" Tyler asked

He asked me what did I wanna do? He evicted me over here an didn't even know what we were going to do. Wow. I just wanted to sit back, eat & be fat but it's not my house so let me not eat all of their food.

"It's whatever, it's your house." I say all sweet

"Well, your the guest." He replied

Oh my gosh if doesn't stop trying to be nice and just come up with a topic... Ugh.

"Well I don't know how to play basketball, you can teach me how to play. If you want. Well if you can." I say in a challenging tone

"Sure!" He said all chippy jumping to his feet
"Let me change into my basket ball shorts."

I nodded my head wondering if I should get out or not. He took off his shirt and I saw his chest and his pack and I just wanted to lay my head there. Then he took off his pants and was just standing there in his boxers and socks.

He turned around and his thing swung in his underwear and I didn't want to make a scene but I gasped then I saw him smirk. Oh my gosh why am I still in here.

Tyler's P.O.V

I made sure I was in the state that he could see my dick hit up against my white Calvin Klein boxers. It's just like that time I almost kissed him, our hands touched and I just lost control of my body, I love how he told me he was gay, I should've went in the pottery room with him, we could've held hands or something.

I remember when I accidentally touched his butt in class but luckily he ain't realize. He will know I'm gay by the end of the day.

Kyle's P.O.V

So I got up and started to walk towards the door and he saw me and said

"Where you going?"

I stopped and said "outside, going to wait." Then kept walking but a little faster.


I'm outside and I dropped my through the bench cracks, or separators. So I got down to try and grab it but my pants ripped on the bench and when I bent over to get my phone it ripped more so I was trying to get my phone and go change.

Tyler's P.O.V

I walked outside and he was bent over and I was so tempted to just do something's but I held back. He had a perfect arch in his back, and his ass was so fine.

I started to get hard so I tried to cover it up with the ball but that made it worst. He got up and looked at me with his phone in his hands.

"I'm going to change." He said walking to the door

"I'll come with!" I blurted out "I don't wanna be alone, it's boring."

He turned around. I got nervous.

"Yeah sure." He said

We walked upstairs in my room and he started to rummage through his bag of many items. Then he took off his pants and quickly put on his light blue jean shorts luckily it matched his T-Shirt. Then he said okay I'm ready. Then all of a sudden I felt the urge to tackle him and pin him down.

*Moments later*

So I taught him how to dribble and shoot and lay ups and stuff. So I was trying to show him how annoying it is to be guarded. So I was behind him guarding but I got more close then I should've and we winded up having skin to skin contact.

I felt my dick rub against his thigh and we tumbled onto the bench cause he was trying not to fall and I was gonna catch him but I was behind him so it was like I was being dragged.

So I'm behind him with my hand on his back and my hard dick is on his ass in the crease between his cheeks. I hope he don't feel it but yet u hope he do so he know how big it is. We just stood there and I wanted and almost did start grinding on him.

Then he got up like nothing happened and said he was like

"I'm hungry."

"Let's go eat." I say

Then walk in and I'm just admiring his ass.

Kyle's P.O.V

Oh my gosh I was bent over in the most sexy position, I was arching my back and I swear I felt his cock on my as and it felt like he was going up and down a little. Then I had go move so I lied and said I was hungry.

Lordy that dick was big! So anyway we walk in the house and I'm starting to think he's gay or just curious possibly. So I sit at the table far from him as he's making something.

I see that my phone is at 14 percent and I don't know how I did not notice that before so I went up stairs and put my iPhone on the charger and I get up and leave to go down stairs and this dude literally tackles me.

"What the h-Ahhhh!" I scream not able to finish

He pinned me down to the floor holding my hands down, then I over powered him and then said

"Your not strong." Lying asf

Then he did this flip roll move and all I know is he is now on top of me and he whispers in my ear

"I'll show you strong." His sexy voice

Wait?! What!!!?

Then he starts sucking on my neck and my eyes widened to the max. I start to moan to the sensation of the feeling, and it feels amazing. I didn't understand the situation of what's going on but it didn't bother me.

He eases his grip and my hand is released, I rub my fingers through his hair and pulled him in to intensify the feeling. I feel his Vick on my leg and oh my gosh! whew!

A minute later He starts to start kissing his way to my lips but then we heard a boom from down stairs. He jumped up and jetted down stairs. I got up and looked in the mirror and did not know how I was going to explain this hickey on my neck.

I ran down stairs and saw that his microwave blew up. He said he accidentally put a metal cup in there trying to make tea. He is so cute. He unplugged it and did whatever.

*moments later*

He came up to me and said

"Let's go watch some TV."

I thought about it and said okay. We went up stairs and laid on his bed watching sponge bob the best cartoon ever. He kept moving closer to me and I kept moving closer to him until we were side by side.

He grabbed my hand gently and kissed it then put his arm around me and I laid in his chest. I didn't wanna move from this spot, I felt so... I don't know how to describe it. I was just so happy and then I fell asleep.

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