"Yeah, we really appreciate it!" Serena smiled along.

"If it's for Ellie, then there's no way we'd not do it!" Gray replied.

"And friends of Ellie are friends of ours." Erza put in.

"Great!" I said. "Papa, which guilds have Pokémon with them?"

"Blue Pegasus, Sabertooth, Mermaid Heel, and Lamia Scale so far. Any others don't know or haven't seen any yet."

I crunched my face into seriousness. "Okay." I turned to Ash and the others. "We need to have each of us take a group and go meet each of the guilds to gather the Pokémon in each one. After that, we can start searching for more in the wild around Fiore. We good on that?"

"Yeah," they answered with a sharp nod.

"Good. We need all the help we can get for this."

I went along with splitting each person up into their own teams. Serena was with Mirajane, Lisanna, Cana, and Evergreen. Clemont went with Laxus, Fried, Bixlow, and Max. Ash was paired up with Gajeel, Lily, Levy, and Erza. Of course, I was paired with Lucy and Natsu, and Happy along with Juvia and Gray as well.

"Will you guys be okay?" I asked all of them.

"Yeah," Ash nodded. "But, I'm wondering why this cat-looking thing is coming with us."

"Who you calling a thing, pipsqueak?!" Gajeel roared, scaring Ash into screaming and stepping backwards.

I sweat-dropped. "Don't mind Gajeel," I comforted.

"Yeah, he's always this aggressive when it comes to Lily." Levy said.

"Don't push it," Gajeel growled once more.

"We'll be fine. I'll make sure Gajeel behaves." Erza stood with her arms crossed.

I nodded. "Thanks, Erza. It really means a lot to me that you're accepting them as one of us."

"That goes for us, too." Serena put in with a smile.

"Of course," Mira giggled. "With the magic we've seen from Pokémon, there's no way they couldn't be."

"Especially since they're your friends." Lucy said while putting a hand on my shoulder.

I giggled. "Ash, Lily is what's called an exceed. They're magical cats that have wings, and can fly at speeds as fast as a Zapdos."

"No way!" he said in awe. "That's awesome!"

"We can also carry someone if we need to," Happy added.

"Why can't I come?!" Bonnie was arguing with her big brother about coming along to meet the guild. "I don't want to stay here!"

I walked over to Bonnie, crouching down. "Bonnie, I need you here to look after the guild. I need someone who's smart to make sure that nothing happens."

"Right." Wendy walked up with Carla. "And I want to get to know you better, too." She smiled. "My name's Wendy. And this is Carla." She looked down at the white female exceed.

Fairy Tail Eeveelutionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें