The Plan

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Chapter 8

Scott's P.O.V.

After all the girls came out of the bathroom, Ali went up to her kitchen to make some late night snacks, while Dylan had to take a call, leaving the rest of us in the basement. We all sat in silence. I'm not sure whether it's a awkward one or a comfortable one. I kept on thinking about it until someone broke the silence.

"Boys, I have a question for you." Olivia stated. All the boys were looking at her, simply waiting for her question. "Does Dylan like Ali?"

We all looked at each other, figuring out what to tell her. Jack, on a truth streak tonight, decided to speak up.

"Yea he likes her." The girls looked happy and joyous. "Now it's time for our question. Does she like him back?"

"Yea!" All the girls said in unison.

"So now that we got that cleared up do we all know what we have to do?" Kaitlin said. Everyone shook there head yes in reply. "Good, so operation get-Dylan-and-Ali-together is a go!"

"Does anybody else feel like there 13 again?!" Carly said. Everybody raised there hand while laughing. We all put our hands down as Ali, followed by Dylan walked in.

"What's going on in here?" Asks Ali, as she takes a seat on the floor, while putting the snacks that she brought down on the table.

"Oh nothing." Replies Rebekah. Ali gives her a curios look, but it goes away. We needed to get Ali and Dylan alone, so we decided to watch a black and white foreign movie and have all the couples snuggle with each other, leaving Dylan and Ali by themselves.

After we got 20 minutes into the movie, Rebekah and Liam were kissing, as were Carly and Brian. Olivia and Jack were in a deep conversation and me and Kaitlin were just simply enjoying the movie. Foreign movies are one of the things we have in common. I nudged Kaitlin and told her to look over at Dylan and Ali. They were sitting only a few inches apart, and talking. It looks like they are actually enjoying the conversation Dylan has a big grin plastered on his face and Ali's chuckling, quietly. I turned back to face Kaitlin. We both the what this meant. That the plan was actually working!

After the movie finished, we all started to eat some snacks. Then we all continued with the plan. Rebekah and Olivia went off to do "girl stuff", Carly went upstairs to Emma's room, Brian and Jack went to go scope out food in Ali's fridge, me, Kaitlin and Liam to go "look" for movies in Ali's family room, leaving Ali and Dylan in the basement by themselves.

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