Meeting at John's

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Chapter 2

Dylan's P.O.V

"NOOO!" I screamed at the tv screen as my player died, which meant that Jack won.

"YESSS!" Jack screamed right after me.

"Dude, calm down. It's just a game."

"Yea sure it is, unless YOU win." I rolled my eyes at his sly comment, while laughing.

"Yo, you hungry?" I asked him. He nodded in reply.

"Wanna go grab a slice?"


"John's good with you." I asked. He once again nodded while saying

"Actually Brian texted me that he, Scott and Liam are on there way there."

"Great." And with that we both left the house.

As we reached the other side of the street, we kept walking. A little further ahead and I saw a familiar blue awning. I knew it was the deli. The same one me and Ali tried to rob 6 years ago. Actually, I tried to rob. I glanced to my left where the deli was, then quickly turned my head forward again. We turn and see people walking in front of us. I look a little closer and realize that it's Brian, Scott, and Liam. I tell Jack that and we yell to them. They turn around, notice us and start walking towards us. We all said hey and started walking together.

We near John's and start walking a bit faster. Scott opens the door and I freeze. I see Ali. We haven't been friends since 2007. We've ignored each other all 4 years of high school. Even though we don't have the best relationship, our friends do. Some of them are even dating like Kaitlin and Scott and Carly and Brian and Rebekah and Liam. Olivia and Jack have a obvious thing for each other, but there just so chicken to admit it.

All the couples walk over and kiss each other. Of course Rebekah and Liam are the last two to break off. They've been dating the longest. Since the beginning of senior year.

"Rebekah Alexis Brooks! Did you tell Carly what happened at Aimee's party !" I hear Kaitlin, almost, shout at her.

"Yes. I didn't think you'd mind. And you don't have to use my full name." replied Rebekah. We all sat down at one table and began to eat. We talked about random things until something came up that really stroke a interesting conversation.

"So what are you lovely ladies up to tonight?" asked Scott.

"We're all having a sleepover at Ali's tonight. Her parents are out of town and Emma, her sister, is at one of her friends, what did you say her name was Ali? Oh, wait, I know! It's Haley! Yea so, Emma's at her friends Haley's sleepover. So the 5 of us are having a sleepover!" Carly said, finally finishing answering. I saw Ali give Carly a look, which made Carly stare down at the table quietly. I look over at Ali. She looks really pretty today. She's wearing black denim shorts with a white thin strap top. Her hair is up in a ponytail, which somehow make her look even prettier. Lately I've been feeling something toward Ali but I don't know if it's real. Suddenly a idea came to me.

For the first time in 6 years, I spoke directly toward and said "We'll if your having a party, can we come?"

She had this surprised look on her face, as did everyone. She was about to answer but Kaitlin spoke for her instead

"Of course! We'd love for you guys to come!"

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