Blood Orange Trail

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dedicated to Trivia

My blood will travel
Twelve thousand miles through my veins
After the sun peeks over the earth
Before the moon fades into the light
Keeping me alive
It's been coast to coast
Four times in a day
I have been once in my life
I find it hard to wield the strength
To stand up in the morning
Or in the night
The blood rushes
Further than my feet can go
Neither of us arrive anywhere
Nowhere is of no significance
My blood will heedlessly hurry on
Finding no destination
My feet will grudgingly hold my weight
Never reaching any coast
Any town
Any city
Any home
Never budging the twelve thousand miles
My blood knows
If only I could borrow
The miles from my blood
To give to my feet
Then maybe I could take a few more steps
Leading me onward over sand
Over roads
Over pavement
Over mountains
Leaving blood-stained footprints
To a worthwhile place to rest
And I would open my eyes
And there would be yours
Your heart would be beating
The blood traveling
Twelve thousand miles through your veins

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