Stuck with me

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2. S t u c k   w i t h   m e

I woke up to a loud banging on my door and a huge throb in my head. For a moment I let myself grab onto one of my moth bitten pillows and pretend that I wouldn't have to answer my bedroom door. The moment passed sooner than I'd have liked.

"Billie!" the voice was deep and strained, "open this goddamn door! It's important!" I let out a long groan before going up and unlatching the lock, Mary Jane burst through almost immediately and sat on the edge of my bed. 

Her face was contorted into a scowl and I felt uneasy watching her fiddle with my bed sheets between one of her scab-ridden hands. I began searching my floor for clothes.

"A party."

I began jumping into some jeans that were possibly tight enough to cut off any circulation I hoped my legs to have. 

"Well! We've never been to a party before Mary Jane, thanks for coming over and smashing my fucking door in to tell me that." I picked up an old red plaid shirt and began putting it on, it smelled questionable but the soon to be copious amounts of cigarettes I'd be smoking would mask the smell of old sweat. 

I looked over at Mary Jane...she looked almost clean, which suddenly made me question why exactly this party was so important. 

"Ask me." She said matter of factly after staring at me. 

I began shoving on some old and tattered Chuck Taylors, "Why do we need to go to this thing?"

A chuckle broke through Mary Jane all of a sudden and my head shot up toward her. "Two words," she stood up suddenly, a jump in her step, "Jimmy Longview." 

I dropped one of my laces suddenly. "You have got to be shittin' me."

Her red hair swung from side to side and she shot me a large, toothy smile. I stared at her for a long moment. Her smile was always a bit of a knock out, it was the one hint of her that could be described as pretty. She'd always had a lovely set of gleaming whites, making me self conscious in regards to the party my lower teeth always seemed to be having. 

"Let's fucking go then." I picked up the keys for my Cadillac, my pride and joy, regardless of the fact the last time it fully worked was probably long before I'd been alive; the best and only gift my dad had ever bothered to give me. 

I stormed past Mary Jane and out of the house, she followed me to the car and soon we were spinning off into the late afternoon, hopefully able to bask in the presence of Jimmy Longview.

By the time we got to the bridge I could feel the excitement radiating from me, I felt simply electric.
Jimmy Longview was a legend in my town; he was the craziest son of bitch around. He was notorious for his gang involvement and sheer magnetic persona. I'd caught a glimpse of him once at a party a few years ago and that  was enough to make me feel a little sick with fear. He was like a car crash; you just had to run over and see it explode. Jimmy Longview was insane, ruthless and about everything I wanted to be mixed in; confident, a ladies man, funny, smart, cool. I wondered often to myself if the stories, if any or all of them were true. I'd had many a friend tell me that everything I'd ever heard was an understatement and that Jimmy Longview was a king of sex, booze and violence. I wanted to know it all for real, I wanted to know the man behind the legend, he practically ran everything around these parts; a man of the drug riddled people, a champion of rage. 

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