When Aaron turned to look at Johnson, there was no anger in his expression. A bright grin was plastered onto his face and he turned the music back on as if nothing had happened.

Johnson drove into a parking lot and shut off the car. They were parked in front of an unassuming brownstone.

“You hungry?” asked Johnson, his usual happiness not fully restored.

Aaron nodded, still a bit awkward from the earlier conversation. He got out of the car and followed Johnson to the front door.

Johnson opened the front door and yelled, “I’m home, my little hags.”

A haggle of girls came from all different directions to jump and hug Johnson. There was laughter and jokes exchanged as he greeted the girls like his long lost sisters or girlfriends.

Something hot bubbled in the pit of Aaron’s stomach. It wasn’t a good warm, it was an angry hot. He coughed, trying to get Johnson’s attention without calling much attention to himself.

“Oh, this is Aaron, guys. Isn’t he cute?’ said Johnson, brushing a piece of hair back from his face. The girls all stood looking back and forth from each other to Aaron.

At once, they all bull-rushed him, giving him the same hugs and kisses they’d given Johnson.

“You’re freaking adorable”, exclaimed one of them, giggling. “Totally”, agreed another.

“Aaron, this is my younger sister, Emily and her sorority sisters.”

Aaron wrenched himself from their grasps and then raised a hand in greeting. They giggled and conversed among themselves.

The girl who Johnson had pointed out as Emily came forth and shook Aaron’s hand.

“Hi, I’m Emily. I’m 20, I enjoy dancing, singing, and interior design. What about you?”

Aaron looked back at Johnson in disbelief. Johnson mouthed, “Told you.”

Aaron shrugged and said, “I’m Aaron, I’m 18. I don’t like anything.”

“Except me”, offered Johnson, giggling. Aaron shot him a glare and the girls giggled, cutely.

“Oh, and Shawn. Whoever he is”, said Johnson. Aaron glared at him, yet again.

“Oh, you like someone named Shawn?” piped up one of the girls who had introduced herself as Lally or something.

“No”, said Aaron, pointedly. “Nor do I like Johnson. I’m a guy, I like girls. God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.”

Johnson pouted, cutely. “You don’t really believe that, do you?”

Aaron nodded. “I am so god- I mean gosh darn religious. I go to church every Sunday. I always say my mass or whatnot.”

Johnson chuckled and slung an arm over Aaron’s shoulder. Aaron, at his height, was still shorter than Johnson who resembled a model with both his build and height.

“Are you here for Lillian?” asked Emily, as she ushered them into the kitchen and away from her silly sisters.

“Yep”, Johnson agreed as he sat down at the table, tapping his fingers lightly. Aaron stared at his fingers as Emily began preparing a meal for her guests.

Johnson’s fingers were long and tapered, much like Shawn’s. Only they weren’t wrapped in bandages or cut and bruised. They were smooth even though he had to wash his hands a billion times a day and wore gloves that dried out his skin.

Aaron reached his hand out to touch him but then quickly drew back before Johnson noticed what he’d tried to do. Aaron watched as Johnson’s head bobbed down from sleep. Hair fell into his face making Aaron long to brush it back.

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