Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

There was a piece of paper on the roof. It had nothing written on it, yet, that was the greatest clue I had found yet, because no matter how hard you look, there is only one place you can find that kind of paper. Evapopaper.

            “They want me to go back. They want me to go to the Gallagher Academy.”

            “But why? Shouldn’t we focus on finding your boy first?”



            “Because he must already be there….”

When we arrived at the school, we couldn’t believe our eyes. For one thing, the guard was not there. Something unheard of in my school’s history. The door left unprotected? Of course, there were still the hidden bombs, retinal scans, and traps around the whole place but the main door, left unattended? That was unspeakable. Something must had gone very wrong…

            “We have to get in Zach.”

            “Well Gallagher Girl, you know this place way better than me.”

                He was right. I started thinking very hard about all the secret passageways I had ever used, and which of them might still be safe. I could think of only one way to get in unnoticed. We would have to get in first, then stay hidden and use the passageway I had once found to the back of my mom’s office. We could not be seen. If the circle was inside the academy, it would be very dangerous for us to be sighted.


Zach POV:

She was very keen to know this way inside the academy existed. I admit, even with my super spy abilities it would have taken me years and even a little bit of help to realize that tapping a certain pattern into the wall at a certain rhytm would open a small passageway, just tiny enough for a girl, and hopefully me, to crawl through. I felt a bit ridiculous crawling trough a small confined space filled with spiderwebs, leading deeper into the academy. When we reached the end of the tiny tunnel, Cam whispered,

"I dont know what to do now. It would be very helpful if we could split and you could find out what is going on while I tried to check if the next passageway is still functional, but it could also be very dangerous."

I had to keep from laughing at that,"

"Gallagher Girl, you have been facing the circle for weeks now, and youre about to back off when you are at the only place you have an advantage on?"

"Thats exactly what worries me. Why would they lead me here? Why would they come to my school, and most importantly, how? As far as I know, no one had ever broken in the Gallagher Academy before , Zach."

"Maybe... maybe they didnt have to."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. What is the only thing that would make a spie as experienced as your mother making a mistake? Thinking you were in trouble. Imagine the Circle arriving with your friends, saying they have you. Or even worse, making it look like you are there, remember disguise is very effective, and they do have a girl, and your James to back up their story with. Do you seriously think your mother would stand by and watch?"

"But my mother would never endanger the school that way!"

"Maybe the school principal wouldnt, but a worried mother might. Everyone has their weaknesses. Even spies. Even me..."

Dont Put Off for Tomorrow What You Can Spy Today, A Gallagher Girl FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz