Chapter 12: New Setting

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*Jakes point of view*

Ash had come over to check with us if Luna could stay with us. I told him he was crazy to have to ask us that , of course she could , she's he's bloody sister who he hadn't seen for years. She should live with us.

I do worry though , I can tell Andy has the hots for her. They're of a similar age so I suppose it wouldn't be that bad. Thing is , ever since she had joined us a few days ago, I'd thought of her a little sister. I knew there was something with Ash , they're so similar and I'm glad it's all official.

We have our first show today on the tour. I just hope everything works out.

*ashs point of view*

When we all got back to the bus we decided to get take away Pizza and watch films. Nothing could beat that.

'Hey , Luna , Ash , what pizza do you want?' Andy asked.

'PEPERONI' we both yelled , everybody on the bus was pissing themselves laughing at this point. Apparently Luna and I are more similar that we thought.

After the pizza and films ,  we decided it was time to sit Luna down and talk properly about the future plans.

'Luna , so , we can't have you staying with mum , and I won't let her see you again it's alright' I said reassuringly as I saw a look of slight panic in her eyes.'Sooo , I thought, we thought , that if you wanted to, you could stay with us? Like , live ? If you want to?'

'That would be amazing! but , are you sure?'

We all knew this would be the start of something good

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