Chapter Eight: It couldnt be?

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* Ashleys point of view*

      I couldn't bear seeing her living out of back packs and a suitcase. Her story broke my heart yet it was vaguely familiar.
    'Luna , we've been invited to a party, would you like to come?' I could over hear Andy from upstairs , he's clearly been drinking . His parents will kill him if they find out , he's never been drunk before and he's seventeen. 'Um , no thanks , it's okay I'll stay here'. I heard Luna's reply , hmm , sensible girl. I heard Andy , Jake , Jinxx and CC leave. 'Ash , are you coming?'yelled Andy from downstairs of the bus. 'No , no it's okay', I responded. It was nine pm and I wanted to look after Luna. It was something about her , that's all.
    I heard the click of the door shut as I walked downstairs and saw Luna sleeping on the sofa. With the time I had I wanted to use it well.
     I grabbed Luna's suitcase and bags quickly without making a noise , and lugged them up the stairs, then dumped them on my bunk. I put the bags and suitcase in the spare closet , as I didn't want to touch her personal things.
    I scribbled a note for Luna quickly , reading
  Hey Luna ,
          The guys went out to a party but I didn't want to go. Just popped out to the shops , back asap ,
              Ash x

      I ran across the empty  street to a shop called Argos in search of some cool duvet covers for Luna to make her more at home. I did notice that her phone case was Harry Potter themed . I ran along and asked the store assistant If they had any of that sort in stock. Luckily , they had a few left , I chose the black and white one with the deathly hallows logo printed on . It looked the coolest. It even came with three pillows to match , each had a number . Which all made     3    9    4.
      I sprinted back to the bus before she woke up from her sofa nap and swapped over the duvet covers on her bunk. As I went to put the pyjamas back by the pillows  , a small note fell out of the pocked on the shirt corner. I put the pyjamas back and picked up the note , I opened it cautiously and immediately it bought tears to my eyes....

Heroic Description (bvb)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang