Someone Else

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A/N This is an extremely short chapter but its VERY important to the plot sorry

Amber slammed the car door shut, wondering where she was exactly. Well, she knew that she was at one of those places with nice homes and rich residents. The grass was well cut, and the bushes were all trimmed. What type of friend did jack have? Some preppy jerk who thought he was better than others?

Amber once again checked the address to make sure she had it right, and began to walk up the driveway of the house that Jack was supposedly in. When she reached the patio, Amber began questioning what she was doing, but her fears flew away when she heard two people yelling, one voice with an Irish accent, and another deep and sultry.

"Ya know she's gonna be here any second, I'm not putting on Cinderella!" Jack yelled loud enough for the neighbors.

"But Jack it'll be hilarious! Come on what's wrong with-" Amber cut off the deep voice when she knocked on the door. She heard some shuffling until the door opened.

There standing before her was Markiplier, his bright red hair pointing around at all ends, with Jack behind him with his face in his hands.

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