A Visit

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Amber walked out of the library with two books in her arms, with jack following behind her carrying an encyclopedia that was waaay too heavy for him.

"What do you need that huge book for anyways?" Amber said with a snicker.

"To be honest it's mostly to impress people if they see me lugging this piece of shat around." Jack stumbled to the left a little but quickly regained his balance, wearing a goofy grin the entire time.

"Hey. Uh. I don't really know how this works but uh thanks. I watch your videos and I just um really appreciate this unexpected time we just uh had. So um. Yeah." Amber looked down and began walking down the sidewalk, but jack calling her name made her turn around.

"Hey we don't have to part here and all. What's your number?" The small Irishman fumbled with the book while trying to find his phone. Amber was astonished by what was happening. She was getting jacks number.

Amber rambled off her number to jack, still not quite believing what was happening. Jacks long arms wrapped her in an awkward hug, and he turned around and walked away, not looking back. As if in a strange trance, Amber turned around and walked away as well, each of them going their separate ways, but their paths sure to meet again.

-----TIME SKIP-----

Ambers phone buzzed, so she parked her car on the side of the road, not wanting to be in an accident. An unknown number flashed on her screen.

**Unknown Number** Hey its jack
**Amber** oh hey how's it going
**Unknown Number** eh at a friends house. Pretty boring
**Amber** then why are you there
**Unknown Number** he wanted to do videos with me
**Amber** well if I could be there to save you from boredom I would
**Unknown Number** then y don't u
**Unknown Number** come over I mean

Amber's eyes widened at the question. Her hands shook ever so slightly as she typed her next message.

**Amber** sure text me the address
Jack gave her the address, and Amber put her car out of park, her excitement buzzing in the air around her. Quickly Amber made her way down the street she was on, looking for a way to the house Jack was at.

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