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Bree didn't know what to do. She could either go to New York to find the portal or she could go back home, like the dream told her.

Bree was staying at her Aunt Cornelia's, and three days ago she received a dream telling her she should go home. Today was her day of departure, and she still had no idea where to go.

"Bree?" Cornelia called. "Bree, I have something for you!"

Bree sighed and stretched. Last night she had a dream about Conner. Again. Bree had been dreaming about him a lot, ever since she learned that he had a crush on her.

Bree wouldn't deny her feelings for Conner, but the dreams that she would see him again were long gone.

"Coming!" Bree yelled. Still in her PJ's, Bree headed out her bedroom door and hoped downstairs. Cornelia was making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Oh good, your up. Here's some eggs." Cornelia said as she handed Bree a plate of eggs.

"Thanks." Bree replied. "So you said you wanted to give me something?"

"Oh! Yes I do. It's in the living room."

Bree stood up and followed Cornelia to the living room and saw and outfit laid out on the couch. It was a simple white t-shirt with blue jeans, black leather boots and a brown leather jacket. Next to the outfit was a dagger, it had no sheath.

"This is all yours. The sheath for the dagger is in the right boot. You hide the dagger in there. Also in one of the pockets on the jacket is enough money to get you to New York. Plus some extra for food, and hotel business." Cornelia told her with a shrug. She acted like it was no big deal.

"Thank you so much!" Bree cried. She hugged Cornelia tightly.

Cornelia smiled. "Your welcome honey. If you ever need us, just call."

Bree quickly finished her breakfast, than ran upstairs and put on the outfit. She threw her hair in a ponytail, and looked at herself in the mirror.

Over the past five months, Bree had to admit she had changed. Her hair was hardly ever down. She never wore any bracelets or any kind of jewelry for that matter. She never wore her purple beanie, and had dyed her pink and blue streaks back to blonde. If she had her phone, she was always texting or calling the Baily's parents, Bob and Charlotte, or calling Emmerich, until he got kidnapped.

Bree grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. Cornelia was the only one to see her off. "I'll tell the others you said good-bye." Cornelia said after she hugged Bree tightly.

"Thank you, for everything." Bree told her with a smile. Bree opened the front door and walked down the path. When she got to the driveway, she turned and waved one last time, before heading to the train station.

Home or New York? Home or New York? Bree thought, as she waited for the trains. At the same time, the one for New York, and the one for her to head home pulled up.

Bree was the first one to get on the train. For the next three days, she rode the train and kept on riding. Finally it stopped. They were at there destination. Bree stepped off the train and walked into the main part of town.

Welcome home. Bree thought bitterly.
Welcome home.

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