Uncomfourtable introductions

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-={Your P.O.V}=-

Just getting warm...let me get more firewood...I stand up to get some wood, got it, turned around,then I see some gates?Hmmm...why am I here?!"WHO
GOES THERE?!" I hear.Oh crap!"Uhh..."I turn around just to walk to the gates again!?!"Where am I?"I ask . "I asked you something first!"said a manly voice."I'm not answering till I find out where I am!""...Phoenix drop!" I think I've heard that on a map or something...oh no! I'm far from the village!I guess I'll never see him again...I turn to one way of the gates and all I hear is a voice... Who is that? I hide behind a tree and all I see is-a guard?Oh he must be on patroll..."Ahh!" I tell as I get tackled...I hope he doesn't see my face..."Who Are You!?"I stay silent."I said WHO ARE YOU!?""...umm...none of your business!" I say trying not to give away my gender. All I see is he knocks me out and when I wake up I'm in a cell?Oh great...they'll question me...here comes that guard."Heh...pardon me from earlier m'lady."Oh SHOOT!My hood is down!I quickly pull it back up."Promise not to tell?Please!?""Why not?"he says smirking.(omglol I think I gave it away XD)"...I'm very self-conscious...please?""fine...I'm Laurence by the way...you?"I stay silent."harsh past,huh?" I nod as I look away.A man walks into the room."Hello,Laurence,what did he/she do?""Loitering...It was getting suspicious...yet I think that we should let her/him go.I noticed just now that sh-uh he has a scar on his arm."he then winked at me when this man looked away.I sigh and ask as the man opens the"I am lord Levin."

Hi guys! So that was chapter 1, hope you enjoyed, I'm tired...*passes out*


Memories~{Dante,Laurence,Garroth,Aaron,Travis x reader} {DISCONTINUED}♡Where stories live. Discover now