Chapter 8: Scarlet is Ready to Kick some Butt

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Ok, I am so sorry. I've been busy and I haven't posted a chapter in FOREVER. And I know it's been awhile, and this chapter really isn't worth the wait, but trust me, it's going to get better. Also, have any of you downloaded the Lunar Chronicles emojis? THEY ARE LITERALLY THE BEST THING EVER! 

I also wanted to say: WOAH! 200 views!! It feels so amazing to see that someone people have read your week! My followers, you are more than followers, you are friends. You support me, you give me advice, and your always there for me for when I need to rant or fangirl. And yes, I've only been on their website for a few months or so, but thank you. You guys are as beautiful as Kai's eyebrows. And yes, that is the best compliment that can be bestowed upon any human/cyborg being.


Scarlet POV

Scarlet didn't completely understand what was happening, but she knew she had to fight something. And she was ok with that.

After a mad rush down the hallway she got to the others panting, she was filled with excitement and nerves, her eyes shining. Wolf looked like a sad puppy when he saw her worried. "A thamauntarage," She took a moment to breathe. "She and her terrorist group are in the palace. We need to get them before they get someone or something important."

Cinder gasped, fiddling with her poofy (that's a word now) velvet dress. "All the guards. Their in the chapel to protect me. Aces, no. No ones going to be able to trap them. Why aren't the alarms ringing?"

Scarlet shook her head. "They somehow disabled them but Cress is working on it. Thorne is

already searching for the criminals, but I need your help."

Cinder squinted furiously at Scarlet. "You left Thorne fighting alone." She snapped. Normally Scarlet would fit back a comment, but now wasn't the time, and she knew that Cinder just wanted to protect everyone. But sometimes she couldn't hold the weight of the whole crew.

Cinder then grabbed a knife from her sock and held it out in front of everyone. Her fingers slowly released it and Scarlet watched the knife clang to the floor.

"These are Lunars. Remember that. They can use all of your weapons against you." Cinder squinted at each individual person and Scarlet watched as each of them took all of their weapons and tossed it into Cinder's pile. She hastily added her gun, rolling her eyes. She always had the gun with her and she didn't like leaving it behind. And now she wasn't even wearing her red sweatshirt. Scarlet automatically adjusted the cloak around her shoulders as the rest of the crew stored nervously at each other. They may have been in ball gowns and tuxedos but they were going to kick some Lunar butt.

Cinder's eyes gleamed and her dress swished as she walked towards the exit to the room. "Now come on. Let's get to Thorne."

Jaccin turned to Winter, his eyes demanding, his face stone again. "Winter, no. Go back to the chapel and wait there. I can't have you getting hurt."

Winter whined like a child. "Jaccin, I am perfectly capable of fighting. My father once told me in the stories the princess should do the fighting, and I will." She snapped, her eyes cold. No one dared tell her she wasn't a princess anymore.

"Kai," Cinder's eyes were warming and pleading. "Why don't you go take Ainter with you and watch Cress. She's in the control room."

Jaccin nodded and nudged Winter towards Kai. "Winter, why don't you go with him?"

he grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Just stay safe, ok."

They seemed to argue through icy stares, but finally Winter gave in and sighed, stepped towards Kai who was murmuring something to Cinder. "Just ignore the blood. You will fight better without distractions." Winter sweetly added, her red lips smiling sweetly, and let Jaccin lead her to the control room.

Scarlet almost gagged when Kai unexpectedly kissed Cinder and motioned for Wolf to follow her.

They creeped through the hall, ignoring the luxurious I banners and decorations. They were only focused on the fight that had to be won. Wolf's gaze was stone hard, the veins in his neck pulsing. Scarlet couldn't help but grin and put an arm on his shoulder, a signal for him to stop. "Ze'ev, calm down." She smirked. "Just another normal day of crime fighting, right?" Wolf's eyes brightened and if he weren't in fight mode Scarlet probably would have kissed him, but she settled on lightly punching him in the arm.

Wolf just slowly nodded. There was something he wasn't telling her, but now wasn't the time to pry it out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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