Chapter 7: Door C1 open. Engage alarm?

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Just go with the picture. :3

Authors Note at the bottom :)


Cress POV

Just then Scarlet walked in and Thorne jumped. Cress took this moment to duck from out of his grasp and into her chair. All of this happened in only a few seconds.

"Thorne" The red-head spat, picking at a thread on her dress. "It's about to start."

Thorne glanced over to where his outstretched arm was as if he expected Cress to still be there and when she wasn't, his arm slumped back to his side. His gaze glanced back at Cress and he looked confused, almost as if pleading for something.

His mouth said something completely different though. "I'm coming." He flirtatiously smiled. "Couldn't wait for me, huh, Scarlet?" Thorne winked.

With a loud slam Cress twirled her chair around and began violently letting out her anger by slapping buttons to check the surveillance cameras. She couldn't even look at Thorne but she could feel both their stares burning into the back of her neck. She thought they had just had a romantic moment and he was flirting again. She didn't know what to do or say anymore.

Him and Scarlet were having a teasing conversation but she didn't even listen or participate in it. She focused on her work. Checking cameras, adjusting lighting. What she was good and confident at.

"Cress" someone called. Scarlet probably, her French accent was a give away.

"Yes." Cress replied, her voice almost cold. She didn't turn around.

"What's that... On your cameras."

Cress finally did spun around, suddenly worried. She avoided Thorne's gaze, only catching

Scarlet's eye. "Which camera?"

Scarlet squinted. "Camera C1." She replied. Thorne nodded in agreement.

Cress spun back around and noticed the alert popping up on her screen.

Door C1 opened. Engage alarm?

Cress's heart skittered. She quickly clicked on the camera and her eyes filled with horror.

"Sybil..." She gasped, zooming on a figure on her screen along with a handful of others and rewatched the video of the door being exploded. At least, she thought it was Sybil. The thaumaturge wore her usual guard outfit and had draped a black coat over her, probably to hide her real self, since glamour couldn't be seen through cameras. "She's alive." She murmured.

"Sybil" Thorne's face scrunched up as if he was desperately trying to remember who Sybil was. "The thamauntarage who kept you captive?"

Cress vigorously nodded. Her heart patterned and she began to sweat.

"How is she alive and why is she here? I thought we killed her?!" Scarlet questioned, pushing aside Cress in her chair to watch the security video closer up. Scarlet's eyes flamed as she turned to Cress. "Don't just stand there, set off an alarm or something!"

Cress checked the alarms and the guard system. "Sybil must have disabled the alarms.

She knows almost as much as I do. And guards should be on their way, but it might take a few moments since their so distracted protecting Cinder. I just don't know how she survived...There's nothing else we can do."

Panic escaped into Cress's voice.

"Yes there is." Thorne smirked, pulling out his gun. "We fight em."

Scarlet's gun was already out and she had a devious grin on her face. Cress shrunk down in her chair. She was glad she was on their side.

Cress almost jumped when Thorne grabbed her shoulder. She turned to him, wide eyed.

"Go back to the others. Tell them to watch out. And stay safe-

"I can't!" Cress blurted. She could see Thorne's eyes searching hers for something.

"Sybil may know how to disable the alarms but maybe I can reactivate them. I'll just do the coding reversed..."

Thorne gave her a smile but his voice was serious. "Alright. Enough fancy tech talk. You can do that then. Who's going to tell the others?"

Scarlet clicked her gun by her side. "I will. But only if Cress locates them and traps them between doors or something. Thorne, you can't attack alone."

Thorne grumbled something but nodded and Cress madly started typing.

"Thats weird... They just passed the crown jeweled storage room. You would think if they were criminals they would hit there first..."

Scarlet interrupted with the swipe of her hand. "It doesn't matter. Where are they now?"

Cress locked all the security doors around Sybil and zoomed in on their location.

"Their trapped in the C1 section of the palace. Which is this section. They should be entering the family dining hall right now. No guards are positioned there so be quick."

And with that they were off.


That chapter was like really hard to make dramatic. I hope you guys liked it.

Anyway, sorry it's been a few days. I've been busy with school, ugh. When will doing a slideshow on Galelio and how his middle finger is randomly displayed in a museum help me in life?!

 Also, would you guys read it if I made a story about Cinder and everyone but Divergent themed...

Like, Scarlet is Dauntless, Cress is Aerodite (Please tell me I spelled that right) and Cinder is a divergent...

 I really want to do it but I was wondering if you guys would read it! So would ya! Would ya!

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