Chapter 1: Another Morning in Space

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Hey guys!!!! Guess what?!?! This is my first FANFICTION! And it's about the best series ever the Lunar Chronicles!!!!!!😄😄😄

 So anyway, i don't really have anything to say right now but CRESSWELL IS LIFE but just so you guys know this is where I write my little author's note and tell you what's going on! I just started this fanfic and basically this account so I just wanted to let you know I appreciate everyone who reads my stuff and understands my obsession with the lunar chronicles! Right now it happens to be Christmas Day! But this is not Christmas themed. Sorry :(. I might write a little Christmasy chapter or something but for now, let's start this thing!


Cress POV (Point of View)

Cress slowly blinked open her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. She decided it was probably best she went to the control room to check if their were any d-comms from Cinder or the others, but that was when she realized she had slept vertically. In the control room chair. The cramp in her neck and the aching pain in her back became obvious and she let out a quick yelp before sweeping forward to the many computers in front of her. "Oh stars, what day is it?"

With the twitch of a few fingers the current date was displayed on the largest computer in front of Cress.

It was May 1st. Cinder's coronation.

Cress was up on her feet with a squeal of panic. That's why she had fallen asleep in the Rampion's control room. She had been trying to code lighting and digitally locked doors on her portable flash drive and fallen asleep with effort. She had been doing a favor for Cinder's coronation and now they wouldn't even arrive in time.

Cress flattened the wrinkles on her cotton dress, flash drive in hand, and rushed down the halls of the Rampion, Thorne's ship. Thank goodness she didn't need to travel in that stupid levitating chair anymore. Th bullet wound from the crew's final battle with Queen Levana had healed in her stomach and she finally would not have to be dragged around all the time. Cress glanced quickly out a fist sized window in the hall, but still couldn't tell if it was night or day. It was hard to tell when you were in orbit in space.

She practically banged into Thorne's bedroom door and was about to pound on it to tell him they had to go when she remembered Darla. Their android/spaceship friend who ran the heating and etc.

"Darla" She called loudly, hoping she hadn't jolted Thorne awake.

She was met with a blast of the air conditioner, as if the android was awakening from a slumber.

Cres nervously looked around as if something was going to attack her. the Rampion seemed so much more emptier without the rest of the crew in it.

"Yes mistress" Darla replied. Her voice emotionless, nothing like Iko's.

"Um" Cress nervously fiddled the the little hair she had. She had never been good at ordering people... or androids around.

"Can you land us on Luna?" She questioned.

Darla didn't even hesitate. "I can ignite the engine and turn on the controls but only Captain has access to steering the ship, mistress."

Cress let out a whine of disappointment and banged open Thorne's door, revealing a motionless lump on his bunker. The slam of the door didn't even wake him up.

She didn't want to disturb him and swiveled around at the slam of the door and held her finger to her lip as if that would quiet it. She slowly waited for her eyes to adjust to the dark room and focused her eyes on the only occupied bed in the room.

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