Beyoncé walked into Messiah's room which was also his make shift studio. All he did all day was eat, sleep, produce, and record. Occasionally he'd go for a bike ride or something but that was it.

"Hey." Beyoncé said as he finished singing.

"Hey mama." He said as she sat down.

"What you working on today?"

"I actually just finished it but if someone would just let me send them out." He said looking her way.

Beyoncé laughed a little bit.

"I know you wanna send your demo's out and everything but you're not ready." She said.

"What you mean I'm not ready?" He asked. "I've been watching you and daddy for three months. Making my beats and arranging my songs."

"I've let you send out you're beats and you know that. You've been doing that for a couple years now but I'm not ready for you to send out demo's."

"Why not?"

"You're only sixteen. I promise you in a couple years you'll be so much better and your pen is gonna be doper than it is now." She said and he sighed. "Look, I know you don't understand right now."

"No, I get it. It's whatever." He said.

"Do not shut down on me right now." She said.

"Well what you want me to do?" He asked. "I been busting my a-"


"I been busting my butt all these months and for what?" He said.

"What is your end goal here? Did you think after this I was just gonna release you like a bird? Just put you in the business because you have twenty demo's? No I wasn't. What made you think that?" Beyoncé asked.

"You took my beat though."

"Yeah, cause it was a dope ass beat." She said. "You're on my album as a producer. I'm trying to brake you in slowly but you just wanna run through the damn thing. Do you know how long some people wait to get their beat chosen?"

"But they not me?" Messiah said.

"Oh they not you huh? Play me one of your demo's." She said.

Beyoncé was noticing her son wasn't going after the passion and love for music anymore but he wanted the fame and his name to be out there. That's not what she wants for her son and if she has to bring him back down to reality for him to get it she will do so.

He sat back while the track played and looked at his mothers face. She held no expression and she wasn't even bobbing to the beat so he turned it off.

"Why you turn it off?" She asked.

"You wasn't filling it." He said.

"How you know?" She asked.

"I know."

"How long it take you to do that song?"

"Like that whole song? A day."

"How long it take you to do the beat you gave me?" She asked.

"Almost a week."


"I wanted it perfect."

"What you just played for me. Was that perfect?" She asked.

He just looked at her.

"What? I'm asking."


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