Taken: Part 2

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Note: Another picture of Gina I made with DAZ

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Note: Another picture of Gina I made with DAZ

Gina reached the kitchen before Laura caught up with her. She just wanted to be alone, but it seemed that Laura wasn't going to give her that choice. She tried to go about her business, but just as she got the rocky road ice cream out the freezer Laura approached her.

"That ice cream is not going to make you feel better," Laura said and tried to take the tub full of the frosty treat away from her, but Gina was too fast and grabbed it back. "Gina, I just came down here to apologize."

"You don't have to," she said and pulled the tub to the side. "I overreacted, that's all."

"No, it was my fault," Laura said and took the discarded tub and put it back in the freezer. "I shouldn't have dumped that on you."

"It's not your fault that you get premonitions," Gina said and slid onto one the stools. "I just get so tired of everyone treating me like porcelain, like I'm going to break any second."

"Well, with you getting sick so much we all just worry about you," Laura said and reached over to get the tea pot off the stove. It may be just what they needed to get a good night's sleep. "It's because we love you."

"I know that, but don't worry," Gina said and pulled back her hair. "I'm not going to die, not with you around."

"I'm not exactly a healer," she said just as the top whistled loudly.

"That's not what I meant," Gina said and laughed as Laura poured the tea into two China cups. "I'm godmother to the twins remember, so you need me around."

"I guess Dora and Jordon wouldn't be able to survive without their favorite Aunt Gina."

They both laughed as they waited for their tea to cool down. Once they finished their tea Gina yawned being tired from the night's events and excused herself. Even though they smoothed things out, Laura couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen to Gina and soon.

Gina returned to her room and took off her robe and prepared to get back into bed. It was well passed two in the morning and she exhausted. Still, she couldn't stop thinking about what Laura said. She didn't want to die, but she couldn't dismiss what her friend had said. It was a truth that Laura's predictions usually came true, even though there was a chance that she was wrong.

She tried to block it out of her mind, but she knew she would never get to sleep in the silence that filled the night. That's usually when her mind became was too active and brought all those negative thoughts to the front of her mind, so she turned on some classical music that she had in her CD player. She turned it on low so she didn't wake any of the other kids up and crawled into the bed. The soothing music made her feel better, so she felt safe enough to turn out the light and go to sleep.

There was an owl chirping outside just as she drifted off. The dream state was a strange place. In reality a person was more active when they were asleep, and even more so for someone like Gina. She sleep was restless with Laura words preying deeply in her mind. She thrashed wildly in her bed, but in her state of mind she could not wake up. She saw a shadowy figure in her mind but could not make out what it looked like. There was an outline of wings, but not the feathered kind. She would always dream of an Angeles who came to give her the rightful gifts she was always meant to have, but this Angeles was now replaced with something more sinister. It was a Demonis, a demon-like creature she read about in her mythology class, but every myth had its base in reality. This dark creature was coming for her, so she ran, but no matter how fast she ran the creature stayed just above her and grabbed her up in its powerful talons.

She bolted up in bed and looked around the room. It was dark but she saw the shadows of her real life, her bookshelves, her desk and even the small television she had permission to keep in her room. Everything was as it should be, but it wasn't. She turned and looked at the clock. It was six in the morning, and she had no desire to go back to sleep. She slipped out of bed and dressed quickly wanting some time to herself before anyone else awakened.

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