The Eyes of a Stranger: Part 4

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Mike paced back and forth hidden away in the woods where no one could see him, but he could see her. She was close enough to touch, and he could have but he didn't dare knowing that it might bring back old memories. Secretly he had hoped she would have been strong enough to break down that mental block he created and remember him and the way they once were. It had been four years. He should have forgotten about her by now and moved on. That's what he told himself that he should have done, and he would have if Ty hadn't come to Crystala with that blanket.

It was such a small thing, but it proved what he already knew. He was meant to be with her. That boy was living proof of it. He took after her, because he was the spitting image of his grandfather at that age. Marianna's father was still in hiding, and he didn't even know he had a grandson. If he did he didn't divulge any of that information to Mike on the few times they did make contact. The one thing he promised to the good Doctor Faigon was that he would make sure nothing bad ever happened to his daughter.

He thought about that and the decision he made four years ago. He thought by staying away from her he could protect her, but he was starting to rethink that decision. She was his. She belonged to him, and he belonged to her. He didn't care the cost anymore. He wanted her and knew that life was no good without her. He had lost too many people in his life, why her too.

That was it. He wasn't going to wait any longer. He was going to reclaim what was his. He had the power to make her remember, and that's what he intended to do. He was about to make his move when he felt a hand on his shoulder. The warrior within him took over and he turned around his eyes burning an intense green. He felt himself start to change from his human form to his beast form, but then he saw a plain ordinary woman in a white business suit with a skirt that came to the knee. Her white hair was up in bun with a few strands falling down at the sides.

He stopped the change reverting back to his human form once he saw those liquid silver eyes of hers. He could always sense her by her stench. No real human woman smelled like that. It could only have been one person.

The Sadian Chronicles: Book 3: Deeds  of the UnforgivenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon