Chapter 8 - Tempest

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 It almost made Tempest sick to feel so powerful at seeing all the innocent city people run and lock themselves up in their home- men, women, and children alike. Evidence showed that this had once been a beautiful city, before it was hit by a storm. Nobody tried to stop them. They ran through the empty roads without a problem. Still, she felt a delirious exhilaration from the ruin around her.

The palace was like none other that she'd ever seen. Okay, she'd never seen a palace in her life, which made this one look even more outstanding. She almost felt sorry for rampaging it- almost.

It was tall and sleek, like a cluster of upside-down icicles. The pillars were wrapped in violet and white while the roof was silver. The black-iron gates, the only entrance past the white stone wall, was melted by three fire Storms, itching for an excuse to warm up their hands.

They came to the doors.

"Make way," Blood commanded. Storms parted like water splitting around a stone. That same, huge, earth Storm with the goat (his name was Seism, Tempest found out later) charged forward, faster than anyone that size could possibly, then leaped- tearing clean through the door.

Tundiran soldiers darted out of the way as the great body hit the floor, sliding and shattering half a dozen glass sculptures. The floor tremored for a long moment.

The soldiers started forward, trying to patch the hole. Seism was swallowed by a wave of pointy swords. But it was to no avail. The Storms were persistent, swarming forward. Tempest threw the battered doors with a gust of cold wind.

"They've broken our first barrier!" A soldier shouted. And then the barrier was broken, and Storms thundered in. Total mayhem broke out. Glass shattered. Tiles were scratched. Candles were knocked over, feeding the steadily growing fires.

The soldiers were pushed back slowly, and Tempest could see the fear in their eyes.

"Get the King and Queen to safety! Someone guard the Prince and Princess!" The general commanded.

Blood shoved her enemies to the ground with a sweep of her arm. A gust of hot wind swept through the palace like a hot knife. The soldiers stepped away, skin burning uncomfortably. Tempest felt the hairs on the back of her head stand up, because she knew what was about to happen. The air became so dry that it felt like her skin was cracking.

And then a fire erupted from the walls. Tempest didn't even have time to process that Blood had used, yet again, a storm element not of her own. The Storms flowed forward like a tidal wave, swamping the weakened warriors. Many were lying on the ground. They were slowly tiring, and it wasn't hard to barge past them like a flood of blackwater to the stairway.

"To the royal chambers!" Blood urged. Tempest tried to stay close to the front. She recognized a few Storms out of the corner of her eye, charging forward with faces set in determination. There was Permafrost, blazed forward like a wintry storm. Flash dashed about, zooming in and out like a needle of a weaver's loom. Indigo- for Tempest had begun to think of him by Spark's name by now- ran forward fluidly like a snake through a river. Spark zig-zagged about, a face of determination. Tempest took a breath and went even faster. She felt the heartbeat of the earth thrumming beneath her, all the way through the floor, through the ice, through the deep, dark water. It strengthened her.

She relished the feeling of destruction, knocking beautiful portraits off walls, blowing down shelves and cowering servants. They had finally made it to the top floor. The royal family was in the King's room, and a fresh load of soldiers guarded their door. The wave of chaos swept down on them. Tempest blew a sharp breeze up a head, snuffing out all the candles and leaving them in near-darkness. Because they lived on ice, the Tundirans of the Arctic Region were partial to white walls, white floors, and white ceilings. So, the little light that still existed, perhaps from the moonlight streaming in from the window at the end of the hallway, glanced off, weakly lighting up the place, even without candles.

These soldiers were more hardy, getting close enough to skewer a few of the Storms with their swords, then ducking out of the way before they could be blasted by jets of water or a beam of lightning. They had obviously been trained just to protect their monarchs. Tempest pushed harder. They couldn't give up now, not when they were so close to victory.

"We've done it," Blood whispered, and she barreled through the door, smashing it open. A young woman with long, ebony hair and a hugely swollen belly (she must've been expecting) cowered beside a tall man with silver-blonde hair. Standing in front of them was an older man with a weathered face and raven-black hair streaked with silver. He held a long, edged sword. Beacon shot forth a laser at the sword, and the older man dropped it, cradling his hand. Blood smiled malevolently, advancing forward.

And then, a silver arrow sliced through the air... and landed with a thwack, dead-center of Avalanche's back. Its glittering head protruded from his chest, and he crumpled forward. Storms turned in dismay.

There stood Emperor Cedar of Shate, his silver bow drawn, pointed straight at Blood's heart.

*Author's Note*

I hope you liked this short chappie! Did you like the epic music along with it :)? It's getting pretty exciting!



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