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So i dont know why but Kitty_Billionaire tagged me in this thinga ma bob so yeh.
1 do you ship Larmau? Ok cereal kitty is this one for me ok i ship arrmau for mcd ok but my street soooooo zanemau all the way so no sorry.
2 what grade are you in? 7 this year
3 have you played skyrim? No i havent what is that?
4 cats or dogs? Cats! Definitely cats
5 favorite colour? Aqua or turquoise.
6 do you like ice cream? Yes!
7 pancakes or waffles? Never had waffles before so pancakes.
8 sky or ross? I cant answer that they are both so awesome so no im not.
9 how old are you? 13 on december the 16th
10 Grr snarl Grr snarl OMG ME TOOOOO!
so hello from the other sideeeee again and her are my peeps
So yeh im too lazy to make questions so do the ones i did.
Normal people scare me
Peace out rainbow trout
- Grace xxx 💜 u

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