new friends old enemys

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( read in a deep voice )
last time on adopted by Aphmau 2 dudes started hitting on lucy and this other chick scared them off cause apparently shes able to do that then a random stranger called out to the other chick by the name of phoenix and then the author left you on a cliffhanger (mumbles) dumb author.
(Resume normal voice)
Lucys pov
"Hey phoenix" someone yells phoenix spins around making her hair flick me in the face "oh hey v" standing infront of phoenix was a girl who was probably 16 she had ocean blue eyes and slikly brown hair pulled into a messy bun she had a piercing on the right side of her nose and another peircing on the left side of her lip "oh v this is lucy lucy this is vanessa or for me v" "hi" "hey" then the bus pulled up everyone piled on like a stampede i sat next to phoenix and vanessa sat behind us "so where are you from phoenix?" I asked her "hm oh you dont have to call me phoenix call me blaize" she replys "why blaize?" I ask "well one cause of my red hair" she says holding up a peice of her hair "and 2 cause of my really bad temper and 3 cause im from Australia" "cool" i reply

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