"Well, can you hang?Or are you going to lose it in public too?" He's challenging me. "You do know if you go you can't bring your babysitter."

By "Babysitter" he means Cody. "Oh him? Nah, I'll tell the chess club nerds they suck, that out of give him extra practicing hours. But if I can't bring him you can't make out with any cheerleaders."

He smirks at me, "Fine, I'll just make out with your sister next time."

I'm confused what he's talking about for a second. Then I realize he's saying he'll make out with my sister next time because she's a cheerleader.

I laugh like it's the funniest thing in the world and smack his shoulder playfully, "I'm sure you will."

I sashay away, like Vivian does all the time. Everyone's eyes seem to watch me as I make my way back to a very stunned table. But the only eyes that matter are Ryan's, which never leave me the rest of lunch.

Vivian was right, pretending is fun.

I keep the act up the rest of the day; I even hold a conversation with Vivian instead of avoiding her. I sashay my hips when I walk and glare at any girl who calls me fake. It's rather fun, but I hate myself for it.

After school Vivian and I head up to Carl's and she continuously complements me on the "New Me" and I almost want to drop the act. What's the point anyway?

I get a text from Cody telling me he had extra Chess practice just like I planned, but I can't help but feel guilty. Rena calls me on her cell.

"You sure you want to do this?What if you lose it?" She asks. "They could send you to live with your grandmother in North Dakota!"

"Well it's worth a shot," I say, and I pull over at Carl's pizza place. Ryan is right behind me; he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Nice jeans, are they Vivian's'?" He whispers in my ear.

Vivian had allowed me to borrow her jeans (she has a whole wardrobe in her locker) since according to her I looked like a sashaying fool earlier.

I almost melt into his arms when he whispers to me. But then I realize how many lips have been on his and can't help but wonder if he scrubs them hard enough.

"Yeah," I flirt, "You like?"

"Nah, I liked the mom jeans better." He teases.

"They were not mom jeans!" I protest, but keep the flirty edge to my tone.

"How about we argue about it over pizza?I'm starving!" Luke- Ryan's best friend interrupted.

I silently thank god for Luke's obnoxious-ness, I still couldn't believe I was doing this.

"After you," Ryan says, as he opens the door for Vivian and me.

I smiled, but it was forced. The images were slowly flashing through my brain and the werewolves were back. They were attacking her again, and the Werewolf phobia was hitting me with full force. My eyes were wide in panic as I pushed the images back down into their black hole.

Vivian pulled me to the side, "Please tell me you're not about to lose it now, are you?"

I shrugged her off, pushing the bile in my stomach down and taking a seat next to Rena.

"Hey, Hazel Cakes, how about you sit by me?"

My cheeks reddened at the nick name Ryan used to call me when we were little. I sat up, smiling at him. "Hmm, what's in it for me?"

"You get to sit by the future alpha. Isn't that your long life dream?" He teases, and his best friend gives him a low five. I've got the eyes of the entire pizza place on me. (The only people in it where some popular kids from our pack.) I was the only non-cool kid there, even Rena was considered cool.

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