21. Gilderoy Lockhart

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The ball was hit, but it went straight up, Calen running in from third to catch it and succeeding in doing so.

"One down Cougars!" I shouted to my team after I had the ball back in my glove.

Next up was actually Pierce, his sneer as repulsive even with the darkening bruises on his face. But I ignored him as I focused on watching what the next signal from Ashton would be, my frustration growing as it was another outside low. But it was with a puff of air that I complied, the smirk on Ashton's face growing when the umpire signalled a strike. But it was when Ashton called for another outside that I basically snapped.

Not as in actually snapped, I didn't shout or cuss or punch anyone, I just ignored the signal and did what I wanted... Which was conveniently ditching the ball straight at Pierce's head. I let it go with as much speed as I could muster at his skull, unfortunately he ducked out of the way and it didn't crash into his cranium like I had hoped. But as soon as the ball was in contact with Ashton's glove, I could see he was no longer as happy as he'd been moments before, and to prove it, he was calling time, ripping his mask off and walking over to me.

"What in the name of fucking Gilderoy Lockhart was that?" he hissed as he reached me, and I would have laughed at his idea of swearing if I wasn't so fucked off.

"I ignored your call." I answered bluntly.

"I can see that." He growled, jaw clenching tightly, causing his cheekbones to gain definition against the hollows of his cheeks. "Why?"

"Because it was the exact same call as what you gave the first batter, apart from that I really felt like caving in that little shit's head." I stated.

"You can't just do that." He snapped, "This isn't your fight. Now start listening to my calls or-"

"Or what Asshole? What are you going to do? You don't have a say in what I pitch to you, you shouldn't even be playing let alone telling me what to do." I told him. "Don't think of giving me another stupid fucking call again or I'll just ignore it, I'm only throwing outsides to you if they're necessary. Understood?" There wasn't time for him to retaliate as the umpire called for us to hurry up. I sent him one last glare before he walked back to catch again, back muscles tense in what I could only assume was his own anger.

I didn't care.

"Play." I heard the umpire call, so I focused on what I wanted to pitch instead of what Ashton called. Holding the ball in my glove as I got the right grip on it before letting it fly. A change-up pitch. I watched as Pierce swung at it with perfect timing and hit the bloody thing out to left field, where Xav stopped it and threw it in, holding Pierce at second base.

I should have remembered half their team are state players.

I looked around at the whole diamond; I also probably should have gone with Ashton's call... But, I've started ignoring him now so why should I stop? Instead, I watched as he called for an inside low, and sent him an inside high. I could hear him swearing from where I was and I tried to hold back a cocky smirk but it made its way to my face anyway.

I watched as his next signal was for an outside high. Well no way in hell am I giving him that, if he wants an outside he can get one but not where he wants it. It was low, and went right behind him and hit the fence.

"Gone!" I shouted as I saw that Pierce had run from second to third, Ashton's catching mask was thrown as he stood up to run and fetch the ball he missed. I ran down to home plate to make sure Pierce wouldn't be tempted to run home, feeling glad when he didn't.

Ashton threw the ball back to me and I walked back to the pitching plate, ignoring the colourful swearing coming from behind me. A few ignored signals later, a strike out with my own decided pitches and a walk I could see that Ashton was getting angrier and angrier as time went on.

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