#1: B1 Battle Droid

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Also known as "Clankers" in clone slang, B1 Battle droids were the most common droids used by the CIS, and were produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop/Baktoid Combat Automata. B1 Battle Droids stood 1.91m (6ft 3in) tall and were designed with resemblance to the OOM-Series Battle Droid, their predecessor. Their heads were built to imitate the Geonosians who worked at the Baktoid Geonosian factories. B1s had what resembled a backpack on their backs with an antennae, which received signals and transmissions from a central computer.

These droids were the backbone of the Droid Army and were cheap and easy to make, with little programming. However this caused them to have low aim, intelligence and armour and so were usually deployed in high quantities. Standard units had black photoreceptors and bone-white colouration. They could also ride STAPs (Single Troop Aerial Platform). They could accomplish various other tasks including cleaning with a rags and running the computers on CIS warships.

There were also many different specializations to some droids including:
- Commanders: painted yellow and commanded battalions of battle droids, and possessed higher intelligence than the other droids.

-Droid pilots: usually piloted Separatist warships and were marked blue.

-Security droids: guarded ships or bases, had red markings.

-Tank drivers: drove AATs and were painted several shades of green.

Some droids had camo textures, including the Camo droid with green paint, snow units with white paint, and Geonosian units with crimson red.

B1 Battle Droids were armed with an E-5 Blaster Rifle, although some utilized V1 Thermal Detonators.

They weighed 65kg (143.3lb). Standard battle droids cost approximately 1 800-2 000 credits apiece, with their E-5 Blaster Rifles costing 900 credits apiece.

B1 Battle Droids were used during the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo. They engaged the opposing Gungan Army and took control of the Capital of Theed. They were victorious over the Gungan Army until their central command on a Trade Federation Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship was destroyed, leaving these units deactivated.

Canon Film Appearances:
-Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
-Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
-Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
-Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Film)
-Star Wars: The Clone Wars
-Star Wars: Rebels

Canon or Legends?: Canon

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