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"Should've gone with the medium." The sheriff sighed. Parrish approached the small group, "We went through everything in Brunski's office and so far everything amounts to pretty much nothing." The young deputy's eyes drift to Lydia and the sleeping Maya in Lydia's lap. "Did you not go home yet?" He asked.

"Not until Meredith starts talking." Lydia responded. Maya's eyes began to open, Parrish looked at the short blonde. He picked up her legs and sat down. "Do you want a ride home?" He asked. "Thanks but no thanks Parrish." Parrish nodded. "Then let me try" Lydia begged. "No we've already discussed this." The eldest Stilinski said. "Then let me try" Maya said. Stilinkski's eyes focused on the short blonde who was now sitting up.

"I can't let you go in there." The older man said. "And why not?" "Stiles will kill me if something happens to you."

"That's why Parrish is coming with me." She smirked as got up from her spot and pulled Parrish towards the door. The blonde had taken the sheriff's keys and unlocked his office and pushed Parrish in. Maya locked herself in the room with Parrish and Meredith.

Maya sat next to Meredith. "I'm.." Meredith interrupted her before Maya could finish. "Maya Hart. The voices they scream about you." Maya raised a brow.

"Meredith what do they say about me?" Maya asked. Meredith motioned for Maya to get closer. The blonde did so and Meredith cuffed her hands around her mouth as she whispered, "They don't want you to know."

Suddenly blood began to slide down Maya left ear. Maya felt the cold sensation and lifted her hand to her ear. She brought her hand in front of her. "Maya are you okay?" Parrish asked. The blonde nodded

"Meredith are they talking about me right now?" "No"
"Do you wanna help me?" "I do but I'll only talk to one person." Maya raised a brow, "Who?"
"Peter. Peter Hale"

"Okay I'll go get him." Maya assured. Parrish followed the short blonde out of the room. "She said she'll only talk to Peter Hale. "


Maya watched as a man walked into the station. Peter looked intently at the short blonde. His eyes held the same blue as Maya's. Peter stood in front of the blonde. "It's nice to see you again Maya." "I wish I felt the same way." Peter smirked and then focused on the reason he was here. "Her? That's the girl who stool my money."

"That girl is a banshee. They're more dangerous than you think." Lydia said. "Oh I think that girl's pilot light went out a long time ago. Sheriff, not to question the unquestionable sterling reputation of your department, but are you absolutely sure you got the right one?" "How about you just go in there and see what she has to say." Stilinski stated.

Parrish opened the door and let everyone in. Maya couldn't keep her eyes off Peter. Something was drawing her towards him. It didn't make sense, the hale's both Derek and Peter sparked something in Maya. The blonde quickly brushed it off. Peter's bewildered eyes focused on Meredith.

"Okay... Meredith where's my money? Or more correctly, what's left of it?" Peter said as he held a grip on Meredith. Parrish put his gun and pointed it at Peter. "Let her go, let her go!"

Meredith reached over and creased Peter's cheek. Peter pushed her hand away, "Why did you do that?" "They're all gone." Meredith said. Maya raised a brow. "Oh my god they have meet." Lydia said. "The burns, they're all gone."

Peter ran a hand through the his hair and released a frustrated sigh. "Meredith, you put everyone including my nephew and my daughters on a death list. Don't you think you owe us the slightest explanation of why?"

"You said it had to be kept a secret." Meredith said.
"I said. I said that to you."
"You said it." "Meredith. Allow me to remind you yet again, we have never met.... Ever." Peter said. Maya watched carefully as the scene sent the feeling of déjà vu through her body. "What is he doing?" Lydia asked.

Girl Meets World | L. Dunbar Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ