Part IX- The Fellowship plus one

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We arrived at our jail cell in the dungeon after going down many flights of stairs. The guards rudely shoved us in to one big cell and slammed the door behind us. The dungeon was nowhere as beautiful as the rest of the palace. It was cold, dimly light and had an air of hopelessness. Immediately, Boromir began to look around for a way of escape.

"Don't waste your time." Growled Gimli. "My own father was kept in these cells. There is no way of escape."

"I believe they escaped last time." Gandalf commented.

"They had a bit of help last time."

"Was it a guard? Maybe help will come again." Boromir said.

"The last help came from the same person we are hunting for now." Said Gandalf.

There was silence for a few minuets.

Turning to Frodo the wizard said with a sad smile, "That uncle of yours is quiet clever."

Frodo nodded. "We shall never catch up to him now."

"Especially now that he has hold of all three of the Elven Rings." Aragorn said from the corner.

"Why is that?" I asked.

Suddenly the door leading down to dungeon opened and a tall form quietly made their way to us. 

"Are they bringing the food?" Pippin asked eagerly.

"Really Peregrin Took!" Gandalf scolded. 

Before us stood Legolas Greenleaf.

"Let us out of this horrid mouse cage!" Gimli shouted.

"Are they letting us go?" Merry asked.

"I suppose you didn't bring any food?" Pippin said sadly.

Legolas put a finger to his lips and in a low voice said, "There is no time, we must hurry."

Legolas held out a large silver key and unlocked our cell.

As we exited, Aragorn asked, "What about our weapons and supplies?"

"Right here." Said a voice from the shadow of the dungeon.

Out stepped Tauriel holding a heavy sack.

Gandalf frowned. "I don't suppose my staff is in that little knap sack?"

"Of course not, it is leaning against the wall over there." Tauriel pointed.

Gimli slowly nodded. "Not bad, for an elf."

Tauriel smiled. "Coming from a dwarf, I'll take that as a compliment."

We hurried up the many flights of stairs and twisting passages.

"This place is a maze!" Frodo said.

Somehow we made it up to the front entrance unnoticed.  At the gate were three heavily armed elves. It seemed impossible at the moment. We stayed hidden in an alcove of the wall.

Tauriel turned to Legolas and nodded, Legolas nodded back and Tauriel ran off toward the guards yelling, "The prisoners are lose! To the dungeon, quickly!"

"What is she doing?" The dwarf whispered furiously.

"Something you will learn, master dwarf, always trust elves." Legolas whispered back.

The guards rushed past us and headed back toward the cells. As they passed the coroner we took our chance and bolted to the door. We ran outside and Legolas hollered to us, "Follow me!"

We ran up to two large trees that were attached toward the middle and all the way up to the branches.

Legolas ran through them vanished.  We wasted no time in following after. Even after we escaped the realm of Mirkwood, Legolas led us away quickly. We eventually stopped on the other side of a large hill.

As we plopped down to catch our breath, Aragorn said, "So-that's the secret entrance."  

Legolas slightly frowned and said, "I had no time to ensure the entrance a secret."

Pippin grinned widley, "Your secret is safe in the Shire!"

Legolas laughed, "Thank you my friend."

"Yes, thank you." A voice said behind us.

We turned to see Tauriel was still with us.

"And thank you for helping us back there." Boromir said.

"I had my own reasons as well." She replied.

Gandalf wasted no time bringing us back to the problem at hand. "Bilbo is headed to the Iron Hills."

"Let's get a move on then." Tauriel urged.

"You are coming with us?" I asked.

"Is that a problem?" She asked in a tone that made me not want to answer.

"Then we shall have another member to the Fellowship." Aragorn said.

Legolas nodded and we began the long walk to the Iron Hills.


So what did you all think? Have serious plans for the next couple chapters! I'm really excited for them! Comment and vote please! :)

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