The Last Day - Part 2

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As Ginny and Hermione walked slowly to Dumbledore's office, they couldn't help but feel surprisingly depressed. Even though where they were going would be the same place just with different people. But maybe that's what it is they thought, they'll miss Lily and the friends they made in their classes. But they knew they'd get over it, they'd have to since they have to forcefully forget them.

They entered the office with the password 'butterbeer' and as it was the evening now they hoped Dumbledore would be ready for them. And that he was, they glanced towards his desk where he was on his chair peacefully who then looked up to give Ginny and Hermione a tiny smile.

Dumbledore didn't waste any time, he jumped out his comfortable chair and headed to the corner of his office where the potion was. They noticed the potion to be red as blood, even by looking at it, it seemed hazardous to drink.

Dumbledore then poured half of the potion into another small glass which made it clear, it was thick and gooey. If they didn't know it was meant for drinking, you would have never guessed it. Plus, it was hardly carrying a sign saying 'drink me' on it.

He brought it to Hermione and Ginny who clutched them in their hands being extremely careful to not letting them go knowing what devastation that would bring to them. "I have to warn you girls, they aren't exactly the most pleasant drinks." He said with a quiet chuckle.

They were just about to sip it before something came to Ginny's mind, "Professor" she said quietly hesitating to ask, "you said you would tell us something about why you believed us?"

He sighed, "Yes I did" he spoke. Forgetting himself and thought for a moment to recall the answer,  "a few weeks ago, I was travelling in Diagon alley and went into the Three Broomsticks when I constantly was distracted, knowing someone was staring at me in the corner of my eye. I went to him who told me he could predict things in the future and was waiting to tell me something highly important.

"He told me, great magic would bring two innocent little strange girls to Hogwarts, but the question won't be where they are from but when they are from." He then got out of his chair and whispered to me "help them, what they will carry will be highly dangerous." He then he left without saying another word, at first I was bewildered however when you actually showed up I realised it was what he warned me about.

I knew if you were being dishonest or if it was a joke or even if you were mad, he wouldn't have warned me. Ginny and Hermione were surprised but also quite worried knowing others know about their arrival. "Have you destroyed the necklaces since they are dangerous?" Ginny asked curiously.

He sighed and spoke again, "I tried everything, every damaging, breaking spell but it still stands unfortunately. However you need to understand, since I cant destroy it you need to take it with you, it's too risky to keep it here as if someone gets their hands on it here and uses it, it would corrupt the timeline up all over again. Also, I'm sure people are more wiser, and spells are more advanced, I'm sure they'll be able to break it in your time."

They both looked at each other knowing it was risky, well both ways were, but decided to go along with it. They then sipped the potions trying to not to think of the foul smell and the grotesque taste, and waited as it started working, just before the Marauders zoomed in; panting and worried.

"What is the matter? Are you here to say farewell to Mrs Granger and Mrs Weasley?" Dumbledore asked while they panted however before they could speak Hermione interrupted.

"By the way, thank you very much for the help you gave us, I know it was useless but you didn't need to." Hermione said as Ginny stood shocked knowing their differences.

"Yes you're welcome, but on more concerning matters, don't drink the potion its been altered!" James said loudly and with panting.

"What by who?!" Hermione said changing her tone of voice from sweet to furious.

"I'm guessing Severus, I think Slughorn let him in his office and told him about it and to be honest I don't think he likes you Hermione since you're a you know... and he thinks you're friends with us so he didn't be careful and he accidently or purposely didn't make it right when he helped with the minor stuff.... It doesn't take you back, it takes you to another random time."

Hermione and Ginny stared at each other with mouths wide open in shock, they looked down to their empty glasses which once had potion inside them and gulped as they started to feel faint while everything went black.

Hermione and Ginny: Travelling Through TimeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum