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"Look I can do everything, I'm Hermione Granger and I just love being the class nerd!" Ron said mimicking Hermione to Harry who didn't find it hilarious.

"Well she isn't that bad, Ron" Harry argued, this made Ron raise his eyebrows and Harry chuckled. Hermione was arriving from the library and into the griffindor room, where Harry and Ron where practising spells. Hermione was carrying a large number of books still looking down on the covers.

"Ron what are you doing!" Hermione screeched at Ron which made him jump not noticing she was there, at the moment he was practising the seize and pull charm on a stack of books while Harry watched smirking. Ron looked bewildered, he scrunched up his face unaware about what Hermione was talking about.

"It's not carpay-rahtrack-tum! It's kahr-pay ruh-track-tum! She told Ron which made him scoff,

"Sorry if I can't get it right as soon as you can!"

"But it's really easy" she exclaimed. He rolled his eyes.

"If it's so easy you do it then!" He screamed and crossed his arms furiously like a little boy having a tantrum. Just then Hermione waved her wand, muttering words, towards the stack of books and a green rope made of light headed to the books wrapped them around and vastly pulled them towards her.

Harry couldn't help laughing at Ron's horrid face, you could just see it in his eyes that he sometimes hated her, yes sometimes as most of the time, well some of the time they get on, not fully of course but just enough to work together.

The rest of that day Ron did not speak to Hermione even when it was time to eat in the Great hall they didn't sit next to each other and when Hermione caught Ron looking at her deviously this is what happened.

"Why are you looking at me!" Screamed Ron, Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You were the one looking at me!'

"And why on earth would I want to look at you for?" Ron snapped harshly at Hermione. That was when Hermione grunted got her stuff and left stomping out of the great hall. Sniggers came from the slitherin table, which Harry and Ron ignored but obviously Draco being Draco he had to make a scene.

So later on when they were roaming the corridors Ron and Harry bumped into Draco, Crab and Goyle. Who looked like they expected them and grinned,

"Oi, potter what was wrong with mudblood, did she only get five pieces of homework today instead of six!?" Draco asked sarcastically with a laugh and a few laughs from his companions. And then they started walking in the opposite direction with still a few laughs.

Just then Ron reached for his wand and before Harry could stop him he was casting a spell on Draco,

"kahr-pay ruh-track-tum!" He shouted making them look back sternly and suddenly a green rope floating through the air grabbed Draco's leg dragging him across the floor with shrieks while Crab and Goyle were stood still traumatized with their mouths opened.

He stopped infront of Ron on the floor shocked of what just happened, with Ron smirking looking down at this weak Draco,

"Don't ever call her a mudblood again." Ron whispered calmly to Draco but with a stern and serious face. And with that the rope disappeared and the wand went in Rons pocket and they walked off leaving a still shaken Draco.

"You know you are going to get sooo much trouble for that!" Harry exclaimed with Ron smirking and chuckling. He stopped walking for a moment and turned to face Harry.

"I know, but seeing his face and feeling like I was overpowering Malfoy instead of him overpowering me for the first time, it was totally worth it." And with that they heard off to the griffindor dormitory hoping to see Hermione and tell her all about the encounter.

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